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Chapter 28

Las Cruces, NM 2 weeks before Stuart arrived in New York City

"I think you should do it." Allison advised.

"I agree with Allison." Mary Ellen chimed. "Mr. Alexander said the McClintock's are good people."

"Mr. Eddie at the post office and Padre Chavez* speak well of them." Alice added. "Oh, and Mrs. Amador* says she's known the family since his parents first came to Las Cruces."

"Then it's settled." Em smiled. "I'll go with Mrs. McClintock to Lincoln. She seems nice enough and her children seem to like me well enough. Besides, I think it will be an adventure. Camping out under the stars and going to a cattle town."

"Do you suppose there will be any gunfights?"

"Don't be silly." Em shook her head. "I don't think Mrs. McClintock* would travel alone with three small children if there was danger of that. You read too many stories."

"I've heard stories about Mrs. McClintock. And her husband." Allison smiled and waited, knowing she'd stroked Em's.

"What stories?"

"Mr. McClintock is some big war hero and Mrs. McClintock is the best shot in the state."

"That's crazy."

"That's the truth. She carries a pistol hidden in her skirts. She's killed people before-in gunfights!"

"Now I know you're spinning yarns*."

Later that night as Em lay in the small room at the hotel that she shared with Allison her thoughts turned toward home...and Freddie. She wished for the hundredth tine that she knew where they were. She thought of her own uneventful journey from New York City-long and arduous though it was. She knew she'd been lucky. Some of the stories she heard of the dangers made her toes curl!

Often, she would lie awake at night and wonder where in their journey they might be. There was no communication from anyone yet, but she knew in her heart that Sturt would come. She ls held a secret hope that Freddie would also come, but that was a pipe dream* as her mama used to say.

"You awake?"

"Yes." Em whispered as she felt Allison roll over.

With a smile Em rolled over to face her, as they often did to quietly talk the night away. The walls were thin and they had no desire to be disruptive. Mr. Amador* gave Allison a job and let the two of them share this room at a fraction of his normal rates. In return, they endeavored to be model residents.


"I really appreciate this Mrs. McClintock."

"Nonsense Emmaline." Mrs. McClintock laughed. "I'm the one that's grateful, although if you tell anyone I admitted that, I'll deny it."

Em smiled. She decided at once that she liked this woman exceedingly.

Later, while the three children slept under quilts in the back of the wagon, Vicky (as Mrs. McClintock asked to be called) shared the story of her family and what brought her to Lincoln.

"My adopted son, Reuben Gordon lives in Lincoln. He married his sweetheart and moved to Lincoln where he established a smithy. He and Tabitha have one other child, Stacey-who is such a little doll. Anyway, she's expecting a second child any day now. Rueben asked me to come, as Tabitha seemed to be having more trouble this time.

"Nothing to worry about, she assured me, but I'm not about to pass up the opportunity to steal Stacey Kisses and meet my new grandbaby." Vicky chuckled as she added: "And I suppose it will be nice to see Reuben and Tabitha too."

The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now