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Chapter 44

"I had heard something of that." Vicky admitted, "And that is why I am here. You see, we recently heard that a group of people arrived in Las Cruces all the way from England. One of them claims to be the sister of your husband and they made their way to your ranch sometime last week."

"I wonder that no one told me?" Mrs. Marston seemed surprised, but not upset by the news that foreign strangers had gone to her home.

"I cannot say, but I thought I should tell you about these visitors."

"I thank you, certainly. But how is it that you came to hear about this?"

"I don't suppose it is any great secret. Esther said they are calling it the British Invasion since there are so many of them recently come to our town."

"My brother is here." Em blurted, "That is to say, I mean, he is not here per say, but he is here in America, I mean, he's there...at Kingsdown."

Em felt her cheeks burn. Aunt Abby would laugh at her stuttering but their old tutor would be apoplectic over the unladylike bumbling.

"Your brother has an interest in my ranch also?" Mrs. Marston inquired.

"I don't know." Em answered honestly, "I just received a letter from him saying that he'd arrived and found me away. He let me know that he was going to Kingsdown Ranch and that I could find him there for the foreseeable future."

"I see."

"I didn't know that it was your ranch. When I asked Miss Esther where it was and how I could get there, well, that's when Miss Vicky told me it was your ranch. And that's when Miss Esther told us about the British visitors that went there."

"And then you decided you should come to me and tell me about the visitors to my home?"

"Yes Ma'am." Em nodded.

"Well, that makes more sense to me know. I should make ready to travel then. It hardly seems appropriate for me to have a passel* of visitors to my home without my being there to properly host them, now does it." Mrs. Marston finished with a smile. "I should be ready to leave tomorrow if you'd like to travel with me, Miss Windes. Since you believe your brother is there."

"I should like that very much indeed, ma'am." Em answered. "But I am travelling with two of my friends. I cannot leave them behind."

"Let them come with us then."

"Thank you, Mrs. Marston." Em smiled shyly, "Are you are quite certain it would be no imposition?"

"Not at all. You will find we have ample room at Kingsdown for many visitors. If you would like to meet me here in the morning, we can break our fast and begin our travel afterward."

"I was telling Miss Windes that it's not safe to be traveling without an escort, because of the trouble around. I offered a few hands for an escort and I want to extend the offer to you as well. If the ranch has been abandoned for a spell, you'll need the extra help. Keep them on as long as you need and send them on home when you don't need them any longer."

"I appreciate the gesture, Mrs. McClintock. My husband only retained one man. He's staying at the livery. Just have your men ask for Marston's man. He'll know how best they can help."

"Very good then. We shall let you get back to things." Vicky smiled as she stood.

"I shall see you in the morning, Mrs. Marston." Em smiled as she joined Vicky.

Mrs. Marston saw them to the door and waved from the porch as they drove off. Em smiled all the way to the hotel. Allison and Mary Ellen would certainly get excited over their next bit of adventure.

The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now