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Summer stood at the edge of the parlor leaning against Stuart. The children—well, everyone else actually, was enraptured by Emmaline. The girl was so alive, she vibrated with energy and her excitement became a tangible thing that wrapped around her listeners like a cloak. If she were not so tired, she might be more tempted to stay and listen to more Wild West adventures.

"And then the shooting started and I thought my heart would leap right up out of my chest!" Emmaline exclaimed with an exaggerated face as she slapped her palm over her heart.

Summer nodded to Stuart and he slipped an arm around her waist to help her off to bed. Their time at Kingsdown had done much to heal Summer and restore her spirits. But she was still without Castle's special walking sticks, and when she was tired, as she was tonight, her limp was more pronounced.

"You've been quiet this evening." Stuart mentioned quietly. "Are you well?"

"Quite well." Summer sighed as the stairs loomed before her. "I'm just a little tired. Your sister took us all riding today. She insisted she spend as much time with her new sister and niece as she can before we part ways tomorrow."

"Are you sure you'll be able to travel tomorrow? We could easily wait another week."

"Thank you, dear, but no." Summer assured him "I am quite sure I'd like to get home to England."

"To Humble Cottage?" Stuart asked.

"Yes, I should like to go to Humble Cottage for a little while at least. But if you would rather find another place to call home, I would not be opposed. I am certain that as long as I have you and Autumn, I shall be perfectly happy."

Stuart squeezed her waist gently as he pushed open their door and let her precede him into the room. She had no sooner lowered herself to sit on the edge of the bed than Stuart appeared at her feet to help her off with her shoes. Summer smiled warmly as she reached out to touch the curls at edge of his collar.

"You need a haircut."

"This is nothing. There were times I had to tie it back in a Que (right word?)."

"Well, I like it this way. It's just a little bit rogue—rather like you, my dear."

Stuart looked up from his task to wink at her before working on the stockings.

"I admit, I'm a little anxious to get to England myself. I've been away too long..."

"I can't wait for you to meet the Fields. They are such wonderful people. I know that you will like them very much—oh, that's nice."

Summer leaned back on the bed and stretched out her leg while he worked out the aches. It was a little painful, but in a good way. Stuart caught her massaging her sore calf last week, and now he spent a few minutes each night working out the soreness. The massages did help make walking easier and she didn't tire as quickly the next day.

Her smile was for more than the massage as she recalled how his hands inevitably moved north with increasing playfulness. A contented sigh escaped her lips just then...or it might have been an appreciative moan...

After a few minutes Stu lightly slapped her calf and sat on the bed next to her. He laughed at the surprised look on her face.

"You need your beauty sleep." He winked. "Afterall, we have a big day tomorrow."

"Are you sure Em will be happy with a small wedding?" Summer asked as she stretched and made her way to the wardrobe to change. "Most girls want a fancy wedding you know. Especially rich ones like your sister who are marrying a Viscount."

The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now