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Chapter 39

Though it was decidedly un-ladylike, Summer rolled her eyes.

"Come, dearest." He reached for her and she felt she might be sick. "The justice of the peace is waiting below stairs for us."

Summer was suddenly struck stupid by the absurdity. This man knew that she was already married.

This. Was. Not. legal!

She was kidnapped and no one seemed to believe her. She was so dreadfully sore she could scarcely stand. Escape seemed hopeless.

She might find a way to delay until Stuart could come.

But there was no delaying.

The man stepped forward and with the appearance of tender concern helped her from the room. In truth, his fingers dug so deeply into her arm and waist that she had to try very hard not to cry out as he whispered harshly in her ear-NOT A WORD.

She was dragged before a drunken fool who called himself the justice of the peace. With the big brute and the inn keeper's wife as witnesses, he married them in the fastest ceremony Summer had ever attended. The inn keeper's wife held her hands and kissed her cheek and whispered that everything would be all right. The big man gave her a sheepish smile as he nodded and called her Missus.

And then, suddenly she was being half carried up the stairs. That man-her husband-preposterous-his grip on her arm would surely leave bruises. Even if she went entirely limp, she was certain he would carry her up the stairs without missing a single step. And then suddenly she was hurled into a room and her heart sank as she caught herself against the bed.

The sound of the lock turning echoed in her ears like a cannon. Summer straightened and turned to see him working to remove his overcoat as he advanced.

Bloody Hell! The Cretin intended to...to...like hell!

Suddenly she launched herself at him, hitting him while his hands were tangled in the sleeves of his coat. She struggled to take the key from him even as she pushed him to the ground. He let out a grunt as his back hit the floor but she hopped toward the door. She was so frightened-or was it angry-that her hands were shaking.

Damn it to hell! I can't get the key-there-turn damn you-

"AAAH" she cried as he grabbed her by the hair and jerked her backward.

The key dropped to the floor as her hands clawed at his wrist. He threw her against the bed and before she could so much as squeak, she felt the back of his hand against the side of her face.

Her teeth clacked together and stars appeared in her vision. She was stunned for a moment and then he was on her, pawing and tearing as he pressed disgusting kisses to her throat.


She twisted beneath him but only managed to push him away an inch or two before he was back again. Summer wiggled until she could push her palm against his chin and pushed his head back. In an instant he grabbed her wrist and pinned it to the bed.

Like hell!

She arched her back and twisted, struggling to find enough leverage to be free of him. He pinned both of her hands over her head and held them so firmly she couldn't feel her fingers. His body pressed against her and held her as effectively as binding ties. He forced sloppy kisses on her neck. He tried to find her lips but she turned her head and finally bit his lip.

The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now