SECTION XVI-Abducted 38

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Chapter 38

Summer felt a jabbing pain in her ribs and tried to roll off the rock that was jabbing into her ribs. While still in that place between sleep and full waking her mind turned to the visions of her nightmare making her shudder in fear and revulsion. She tried twisting away from that damned rock and suddenly blinked full awake. This particular nightmare was very real.

She groaned as she tried to take it all in. She was trussed up like a Christmas goose and tossed over the lap of her captor like so much baggage. The stink of this man and his cheap cigars swirled with the scents of warm leather and sweaty horse. It turned her stomach but she resisted the urge to gag.

The saddle horn dug into her side with each step. That was going to leave her raw and bruised but at least they weren't running anymore. A cloud of dust kicked up as the horse ran over a soft spot in the road. She scrunched her nose and tried not to cough. She had no desire to breathe more deeply of these odors.

As if cued by her thoughts, they stopped for a moment. She would have sighed in relief, except the horse chose that moment to urinate. Gagging, she tried to turn her head away. Pain burned through her shoulders. She was no stranger to stiff muscles but the unexpected catch in her shoulders and neck brought tears to her eyes.

She might have cried out except that at the sound of that voice, fear suddenly restricted her ability to breathe.


The voice belonged to the big man—the one that looked like a bear and moved like a cat. The memory of Dorcas falling back and landing in an unconscious heap didn't help calm her fear any. She felt light headed and had to force herself to just breathe as the big man pulled up next to them.

"What is it Rock?"

"You reckon they're following?"

"I have no doubt that they will follow, but not for two days at least."

"How you figure?"

Yes, do tell.

Summer kept her eyes closed and tried to keep her breathing light and even.

"It's quite simple. One."

There was a pause and Summer pictured him enumerating on his fingers like some stuffy schoolroom professor.

Who the hell WAS this guy?

"They don't know the area. Two, it's going to be dark out and three, since they weren't back before dark, they must be more than half a day's ride from the house."



"They won't get back until near dark tomorrow. They'll discover our little visit, but it will be too late to act and they'll be forced to wait for first light."

It will take them even longer because they'll need to find someone to help them find me.

Summer groaned.

"Hello, my lovely." Mick patted her back and she tried not to shudder beneath his touch. "By the time your friends find us, dearest, we shall be happily married. I shall have you in the biblical sense so there will be no disputing the union. I intend to have Kingsdown for my own."

"That—" she licked her dry swollen lips and tried again. "That will be difficult as I am already married—in the biblical sense—as you say. And I can assure you that my husband will come for me. When he catches you—and he will catch you—he will send you back to the devil where you belong. Although, I think he will probably rip your heart out with his hands first."

The Charlotte Series: Book 3: The Pretender's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now