Chapter 1

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Harrys POV~

I walked into class about 25 minutes late.

Great the periods half over.

I sat in my usual seat in the front corner away from everyone since they all rush to get to the back before the class starts. I managed to sneak in going unnoticed my my teacher.

"Ah Mr. Styles looks like you finally have decided to join us." my English teacher said turning away from the board and towards me. He held out his hand so I could place my late pass in his palm. He nodded and went over to the trash and threw it away.

I reached into my backpack and grabbed out my spiral notebook and a pen. I flipped to a random blank page in my book and folded the book in half. I began writing my thoughts not paying attention the teacher. I mean why should I? I already missed most of the period theres no point in trying to catch up to the lesson. Anyways I have a high A in this class so my grade would be fine.

As I was writing in my spiral notebook I noticed someone sit near me but that was out of the corner of my eye. I brushed it off and continued writing down, venting actually to my notebook. It was then the person grabbed my notebook.

"Hey give that back!" I pleaded trying to hide my bruised up face.

"Hey chill out man I'm just playing with you" Callie- One of the popular girls at our school, said with a small smile.

"Its fine" I said retrieving my notebook as the school bell rang.

I walked out of the building I was in and into the lunch room that was across from the building I was in. Only to be pulled back by my arm and slam into one of my bullies, Ryder.

"Please no don't hurt me." I pleaded tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Listen here, you stay away from my Callie okay?! You got that?" I nodded just wanting to get out of his grip.

"O-okay I will I promise." I agreed.

He then let me out of his grip and walked away just as Zayn came into view. He noticed me and ran over looking worried.

"Hey man are you alright?" He asked patting my back.

"Yeah mate, I'm fine. He was just trying to get me to stay away from Callie."

"Callie eh? You like her?" Zayn smirked.

"No no I don't, she was just talking to me in English."

"Oh whatever you say big guy." Zayn said winking at me.

"I'm serious!" I whined smirking. We both laughed and walked into the lunch room to get our lunches.

Honestly I don't know what I'd do without Zayn by my side. He's always supporting me no matter what happens. He never gets sick of me like everybody else does. He's always there to make the bullies to go away when I don't have the strength to do so. Sometimes I have to wonder how I got so lucky to have a best friend like him.

We walked over to the lunch line and just kept a small talk about what has happened over the weekend.

Zayn has a girlfriend, Perrie, they are absolutely adorable together. Not trying to sound like a girl or anything but they honestly are cute. They were voted London High School's cutest couple. During the weekend Zayn took Perrie on a little romantic tailgate picnic, they ate some supper and watched the sunset.

After we grabbed and paid for our lunches we sat at the table farthest from everyone. It was just Zayn and I, Perrie has a different lunch than us.

We sat in silence just eating our lunch watching everyone else have a good time. Did I ever mention that Zayn doesn't have many friends either? I mean he has quite a lot but they aren't really my type to hangout with, but Zayn accepts that.

"Ey mate what do you say about hanging out after school?" Zayn says breaking the silence.

"Sorry I can't, I have to work later at the retirement home."

"Ah I forgot about that, I forget you work there sometimes" Zayn smiles.

"Ha its alright bud, but I'll catch you later?" I said as the bell rang signaling that it was time to go to the next class.

"Alright man see ya." Zayn said as we parted. I hurried off and to my class and manage to go unnoticed for the rest of the day.


The last bell of the day rang, everyone scurried out of the classroom ready to leave and party or whatever they all do.

I walked out of the building and to the bathroom. I always hide in the bathroom after the last bell rings to avoid my bullies. I usually wait about 10 minutes then I sneak into the parking lot to my car.

I went into the middle stalls and locked the door. I leaned against the wall and pulled out my old flip phone.

I sent out a message to my boss telling him that I was on my way, after the message sent I shut my phone and waited a few seconds to see if I could hear any voices. Nope none, it was all clear. I exited the bathroom in a quick and quietly manor. I walked down the long hallway to the double doors that led me to the parking lot. I spotted my car fairly easily, since it was the only car in the back of the lot.

I jogged over and threw my bag in and sat down into the drivers seat. I locked the doors and laid my head there on the wheel and shut my eyes for a minunte and let out a sigh of relief of how I made it through another day of bullying.

I wonder if one day I will ever get to be free from being bullied. I wonder how much happier I would be if I could be normal like everyone else. Would I have tons of friends and maybe play football? Football is one of my favorite sports to play. I never play that much anymore because I'm usually focusing on school work or helping my Grandma Rose around the house.

My eyes then opened and I reached for my keys and started the engine, and drove 10 minutes to the lovely retirement home I work at.


I pulled into the staff parking lot of my workplace and killed the engine. I swung open the door and stepped out of my old beat up car. I smiled walking around to the back of it and popped open my trunk. My arms reached down and grabbed a medium sized box that contained of napkins,silverware, and paper plates. I threw the box over my shoulder and slammed the trunk shut and walked to the building.

This job is probably one that I'll remember forever. I love helping people to be honest, I like to help them around the retirement place and talking to them and making them smile. When they smile I smile. It makes my day when they're so happy to see me. They're like a family to me.

As I walked into the room where the elderly are they all turn to look at me and smile. I greet them all with smiles and give my closest elders a light hug careful not to crush them.

"I'll be right back okay? I just need to take this box to the back and sign in" I smiled at them. I picked the box back up and I carried it to the back. I propped open the door with my foot and stepped inside to the kitchen. I greeted all the volunteers and staff members with smiles as I made my way to the end where all the eating utensils go. I stood up strait and went over to the sign in. I looked up and saw the girl I was supposed to be avoiding..



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