Chapter 7: Euphoria

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^Bell Rings^

"Alright class don't forget to study for the final on Renaissance Literature next Friday" said Mr. Anderson

I walk out of the classroom and look for Alex, Brandon, Dwayne, James, Jeremy, and Grover. We were all gonna meet at Alex's house so we can ready for prom. I see them all in a group walking towards their cars, I was the only one missing. I quickly look for Anniya. I look over Mr. Jeffersons classroom and I see her, Christy, and Katelynn all came out. I quickly walk over to them.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" Anniya Responded

A smile went over to my face knowing that out of the people I greeted she was the only one who responded. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing. Sometimes I just think I'm weird because of the littlest things that make me happy. But then again she isn't something little.

"Okay ignore me like that" I said to Christy

She was on her phone look at something.

"Sorry, hey" she said

"Your late as fuck" I said

"Damn sorry I'm checking something" she said

I decided to walk with them.

"So proms tonight, y'all going? I know Anniya is but I don't know about you two." I said

"Yah I going" said Katelynn

"I am too" said Christy

"Haha Anniya is going with Harry, awwwwww!" She said

"Okay? Why did you do that? I don't like him anyway and he is not my type and he's kinda a jerk" She replied

At that moment I wanted to ask her why did she say yes to him, but that would be rude.

Christy suddenly looks at me and has a grin on her face because Anniya just talked about Harry. I look at her back but gave her a quick pissed off look to tell her to stop. He glances away back to her phone.

"Who are you going with?" Anniya Asked me

"Nobody, I'm going alone" I said

"Oh, why?"

"I don't know who to ask"

"What about Diana?"

"Nah Diana likes James"

"Oh I thought she liked you, Christy told me you think she has a big booty"

"Well she does but I'm not gonna ask her, it's too late and James is already asked and they both seem to like each other. And I don't like her"

As we walked I purposely bump into Anniya because she seems to be staring at something.

"What you staring at?" I asked

"W-What? I wasn't staring at anything" she said

"Lies Anniya, just lies.." I said

I look toward the direction she was looking and saw Harry. I instantly remember that she's going to prom with her. He sees us and he decides to come over to us.

"Alright, I got to go catch up with the guys were all meeting up in Alex's house" I said

"Okay we'll see you at prom" said Anniya

I gave her a hug and said goodbye to Christy and Katelynn. I walk fast to my car. As I passed by Harry I flipped him off and mouthed "Fuck You" to him because he deserved it. He had a look on his face meaning that he wasn't expecting that. I quietly laughed and walk to my car. I see that all the guys left their cars aren't at the parking lot. I hoped into my car and drove off to Alex House.

As I drove to his house I see that time has passed by Carls Jr. to get the guys something to eat. I pass by the drive through.

"Hello welcome to Carls Jr. what can I get for you?" the employee said

"Hey, can I get 7 Western Bacon Cheeseburgers, put them all a meal and put each of them in a bag pls, fries for all of them, and substitute the drink for Vanilla shakes please" I said

"Will that be it?"


"Okay please drive to the next window to pay for your meal and pick it up"

I drive to the window and see the employee open it, he told me my total was $28.60. I gave him the money and he gave me all the meals and I drive off to Alex's house.

As I arrive at Alex's house I quickly park my car, grabbed the food, and run to the door and ring it. Grover opened the door and saw that I was full with bags.

"Need help there?" He asked

"Yes" I replied

He grabbed 4 and we both went up stairs heading up to the game room. I remember that Alex did have a huge game room in his house. We entered the game room and see that all of them were playing Xbox.

"Ayyy, what's sup Kevin" Dwayne said

"Ahh, what up" I replied

"We just playing some Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 before prom starts"


All three of them were already dressed up but their coats weren't on.

"Hey you brought food?" Alex noticed

"Yup" I said

"Thanks, oh ya by the way the other 3 are still taking a shower"

"Okay, I was wondering where they were"

They grabbed their food and started munching on their burgers. I grabbed my food and started eating too. I pulled out my phone out of my pocket and saw a notification on my screen, it's says that Anniya Watson has tagged me on on of her posts on Facebook. I look to see what she said. The post said, "OMG! I'm Soo Excited For Prom Tonight! See You Guys There!! cx". I smiled an liked her post. I quickly finish my food and play a little Halo 4 on Alex's other Xbox.

"Hey Kev, there's another bathroom downstairs that you can take a shower in, it's inside one of the guest rooms." Alex said

"Oh okay great!" I said

I quickly run downstairs and unlock the front door to head to my car to get my suit out of the trunk. I unlock my car and grabbed my suit. I run inside the house and head to the guest room. I entered inside and lock the door. I grab a towel out of one of the drawers and took a shower.

After I was done I lotioned myself and put my suit on. I had a little bit of trouble putting on my tie but I still nailed it. I was all dressed and the only thing missing was my coat, I hanged it in the closet because I didn't want it to get wrinkly on the the bed. I take the coat out of the closet and put it on. I go back to the bathroom and look at myself. I look good, I mean I just look awesome.

I look the guest room door and head to the game room. I see that Brandon, James, and Jeremy were done and all dressed up.

"Hey Kevin!" All three of them said

"Hey guys" I said

"Bro thanks for the food!" Jeremy said

"Ya man thanks" Brandon and James added

"No problem, so we all ready?" I asked

"Yah it's 4:40 and the Dance starts at 5:00 so let's go!" Alex said

Grover suddenly turns off the Xbox and we all head outside to our cars. I take my keys and hop inside my car. We all just drive off to school.

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