Chapter 2: Breakthrough

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As soon as I wake up I go over to the bathroom, took a shower, clothed myself, and sat on my couch. I'm thinking to myself on how to spend my day. I call the guys and ask them if they want to hang out at the Antelope Valley mall.

Brandon and James are down for it, but Jeremy said no. Jeremy said that he needed to spend time with Christy. I don't know why he needed to do that because he just got drunk with her and slept beside her last night at Anniya's House. Well Jeremy should enjoy it while it last before Christy loses her feelings for him, if they ever made it that far.

So I texted the guys saying to meet at the food court. I grabbed my keys, my leather jacket, aviator glasses, and drove in excitement. On the way to the mall I see Joe Walker High students hosting a Carwash on the side walk. I laugh because the only reason why people are going to that stupid ass car wash is to perv on the girls washing their cars.

I walk to the food court and I see Brandon and Jeremy having a smoothie in their hands and they bought one for me. I slowly walk up to them and greeted them with a hug.

"What up my Niggas!?" I said

"Haha nothing, good to see you bro." Said Brandon and James

"What Y'all doing?" I asked

"Nothing just waiting for you" said James as he handed me my smoothie

"Gee thanks" I said

"So Kevin, did you have fun at Anniya's last night?" Asked Brandon

"Yah I did, she cooked us some steaks and Jeremy, Christy, and Katelynn all got wasted" I replied

"Did you get to flirt with her?" Asked both of them

"No" I said

All my best friends know that I still like Anniya. She knows it too. I don't really flirt with her because I know that either way she still won't like me. She probably likes white guys who got nice smiles, 6-packs, blonde hair, blue eyes, and who are smart. I mean she won't have a hard time finding her true love anyway because she is Gorgeously Beautiful, smart, likes almost everything that guys like, a cheerleader, and a lot more.

"So why didn't you?" They both asked

"Bro, I don't know, I just feel like if I try going after her again we might get awkward a lot."

"But if you love her and want to be with her you would do anything and everything." Said James

I can't disagree, because he had a point.

"Okay guys I just want to hang out with all of you today, so can we stop talking about my love life problems?" I asked

"Alright but I'm just saying you still don't have a have a girlfriend and 7 girls already asked you out and you said no to them." Said Brandon

"That's because I still love Anniya." I replied

"Okay then you have 2 options, you can go after her or you can lose her to Harry Sterling" Said James

Fuck he's really does have a point now. Harry Sterling, a Junior who always has everything. He muscles, 6-pack, good looks, lots of money, and a really nice Mercedes Benz. God he almost got 4 of the most pretty girls in school, but he hasn't gotten Anniya. Him and her have history, they are very good family friends. Her dad likes Harry because he is captain of the Basketball team and they were childhood friends.

"Fuck you James, doin this shit to me." I said

"Haha bro it's true though, that's your only two options" he said

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