twisted up inside

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(Jenna's pov)
'This girl better not be a total creep'
After she bought her stuff, I followed her to her car. "You don't actually have to take me if you don't want to. It's really weird." She nods. "It is, but I could also just use a friend, so is it okay if you do go with me? I mean, you don't have to if you don't wanna, I mean I know it's weird because I'm a total stranger." She looked desperate. I am sure she has friends, but she still really wanted to get to know me. And since she looked nice and sweet I decided to just go with her. "I'll go with you. I could use a friend too, to be honest." She smiled. We walked to her car and we she drove us to her house. "So, I am Madison Joseph, but most people just call me Maddy and I'm nineteen years old. I live just around this corner with my crazy family." She smiled and looked at me in the hope I would introduce myself too. "I'm Jenna Black, I'm 19 years old and I live with my weird ass family just a few streets away from here." "We're here." She parked her car and I followed her inside.


"Hey mom! I'm home and I brought a friend! Oh and your groceries too!" She shouted. I followed Maddy into the kitchen where we found her mom looking at some recepies. "Here are the things you asked for, hope it's okay I brought a friend?" "Sure that's okay! Who are you actually? I don't think I've seen you before." "No that's right. I am Jenna Black, nice to meet you."I said, while shaking her hand. She smiled at me. "Hi Jenna, I'm mrs Joseph, but you can call me Kelly. Very nice to meet you. Are you staying for dinner?" I couldn't resist her offer, so I called my mom right away to ask her if it was okay to stay here for dinner. She said it was okay and so I stayed. "Should I show you my room?" Maddy asked after a moment of silence. I nodded. "Sure, I'm pretty curious." "It's nothing special, just my place." I followed her upstairs and we came across someones room. I saw a boy sitting on a chair playing some tunes on the ukelele. He saw me and closed the door right away. "That's my brother Tyler. He's really sweet and talented, but he never really likes attention or socializing. He's in his room most of the time and basically has just two friends called Mark and Josh. Mark moved away a few years ago so he actually only comes out to see Josh. Or for one of his weird evening walks. Anyways, that's just how he is, don't mind it too much." I simply nod. I recognize some of myself in the way she described Tyler, so that made me kind of curious about him. I followed her further into the hall and we entered her room. I was amazed by the size of it. It was a pretty big room painted in a baby blue colour with some really cool colourful flower stickers on it, her desk is made of the same light wood as her huge closet and her bed wat covered with those cute little pillows with all kinds of different colourful patterns. "Woa, this room is sick!" "Thanks! Oh and I know my closet is kinda big. I really like clothes and shopping and all. I also absolutely adore being in the kitchen to bake or cook something. Oh and I am obsessed with dogs, but dad says we can't have one. Josh has one, so when Tyler goes there I sometimes beg him if I can come with him just to see the puppy, Jim. " She was smiling at the thought of it. "And you, what are your hobbies and favorite things?" She truly seemed interested. " Well, most of the time I am in my room, reading a book and listening to music. I would really love to play an instrument but my parents won't allow it, even though I saved up enough money myself. Apart from that I like being outside and animals and all. My life isn't that interesting, to be honest." I gave her a little smile. "Aw, don't say that. You sound amazing!"


"Dinner is ready!" Kelly shouted from the kitchen. We went downstairs and when we arrived in the kitchen everyone was seated already. Maddy took place at a chair too and I sat down next to her. Right across Tyler. Kelly had made something delicious and they asked me some questions about me and my family. I could feel Tyler was looking at me the entire time. When I looked up at him he turned his head away to the side. I frowned. Kinda weird, but okay. I decided not to pay too much attention to it. They were a really nice family. Zach and Jay both kept laughing and making fun of each other the entire time. I wonder if they're always like that. Kelly and Chris were talking with Maddy and me and still came up with new questions somehow. I noticed Tyler was completely zoned out. He was silent and just staring at his food, taking a bite every now and then. It looks like something wasn't really okay with him, but who am I to judge, I don't even really know him.


After dinner Maddy and I decided to watch a film. Some romantic comedy she chose. She totally got lost into the film, but I got distracted by my thoughts. My thoughts went to Tyler again, I really wonder if he's always like that. So quiet. You'd almost say he looked sad. And in some way, he kind of did. When the movie was over Maddy couldn't stop ranting about it. "Did you like it? Do you think there will be a part two? Oh I wanna know what happens! I really loved it!" And more stuff like that. I answered all the questions she asked me. When I looked at the time I saw it was already 10:30 pm and I decided it was time to go. "Hey Mads, are you okay with it if I go? It's kinda late and I still have school tomorrow.." "Sure! Should I bring you home?" "No it's fine, I'll walk. It's only a couple of streets away, I'll be fine." She smiled. "Okay then, I'll let you out." I said gooddbye to everyone and noticed Tyler wasn't there. He's probably in his room. I walked outside and before I left Maddy gave me the phone number of the family. "Here, my phone doesn't work that good so I gave you the family number, I hope you don't mind. Maybe mom will pick up sometime instead of me, but that's okay I guess." She smiled and gave me a tight hug. "Bye Jenna! Don't forget to call!" "Bye Maddy! I'll try to call as soon as possible!" After I went onto the streets, Maddy stood there for a little while waving at me. I turned around a corner and my eyes were stuck at the ground. I started thinking again. Was I polite enough to the family? Oh no, they must've found me a total weirdo. Oh help. Here we go again. I was at the verge of crying when all of a sudden I feel someone bumping into me and I fall onto the ground. Great. As if things couldn't get worse. I saw someones hand held out to help me up. I took it and when I was back on my feet I saw it was Tyler. "I- I"m so sorry. Are you okay?" His voice sounded raw from crying, but still you could hear he had the same sweetness in his tone as his family does. It's kind of really cute. After a moment I realized I still hadn't answered his question. "Oh, eh yes I am fine don't worry." "Are you sure. You don't seem like you're fine." "No really, it's just a little scratch." "I didn't mean that." I was perplexed by his words. "I- I mean I'm not really fine." How did he just... "That's okay, I am not either. And I guess you don't wanna talk about it. Is it okay if I walk with you?" I nod. "Sure.." His mind. It was different. "So."He started. "Well you met my family. I'm not really as talkative as they are but you have obviously already noticed that." I nod once again. "So what do you do then, in the time your family talks?" I carefully asked. He was a different kind of guy. I could sense it, his way of thinking was, twisted. "I think. About things most people wouldn't bother thinking about. I don't think you want to hear it. And even if I do tell you, you will label me, just like the rest, because that's just how it goes." He sounded slightly angry. I stayed silent for a moment. Then I asked him: "Do you think people do it on purpose?" He looked kind of confused. "What do you mean? Do what on purpose?'' "I don't know, everything they do. Everything they do is something that is considered normal, but do they do it on purpose. They don't think about it, they don't think about what the point of it all is. Do they do that on purpose?" He looked completely surprised by that. Eventuallly he answered: "Not all people do that, you know." "I have not ever met a person who thinks about it, though." "Wrong. he is right in front of you." We reached my house. "We're at my house. I gotta get inside now." "Okay. Goodbye Jenna Black." "Goodbye Tyler Joseph." I went inside and watched him turn around and leave until I didn't see him at all anymore. I kissed my mom goodnight and ran upstairs. I got into my bed and the thoughts started again. They shouted at me, but all I could clearly think was one single thing. That boy has one hell of a mind.

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