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I had to tell him by now even though I'm not sure myself but it's been two days and the last thing he said to me was: "I'll give you my last warning. I'll kidnap him today and I recommend you to get on my side or else you'll regret it." And he might've done it and before I knew it I was making my way to Dominic's home.

I'll be by your house in 10 - Sent 09:48

Why? - 09:49

I have to tell you something, I might know what happened to Nikolai - Sent 09:50

Hurry - 09:50

I didn't even make it till the door until Dominic opened it and dragged me inside the house.

"Tell me." He said as he closed the door behind me.


I told him about the meeting the other day, about the threats and what he said he would do and that I didn't believe him because I thought Dominic would keep an eye on Nikolai. I told him everything I knew. The only thing I left out was the violins identity. Was it because I feared him or was it because I didn't want Dominic to do something hasty about it? It might've been both.


Now that I knew what might've happened I hurried to hell. How could I not think of it? Of course, they would hide him there, the angels won't be able to enter. But I could easily enter and no one would ask me why because I live there.

Okay now, where do they put an angel? Somewhere not seen. Underground. let's go.

I hurried down the stairs - yes hell's not on fire everywhere. On the bottom floor were a lot of cells where we usually put humans who sinned enough to get tortured and I once was there to get my wings ripped.

I got to a long corridor filled with doors and only one of them was locked. Bingo. I walked toward the door and knocked it down because why care to bring a key? I looked inside and saw Nikolai leaning against the wall in a sitting position shivering and blindfolded. Screw you all who did this to him. Screw you all motherfuckers. wait till I get hold of you.

I walked faster towards Nikolai and hugged him. I might've hurt him cuz he made a sound but my eyes were fixed on his now not existed wings. Those fuckers dared to touch his wings. I'm gonna make them all fucking burn. I'll drown them in hell's fire and make them breathe flames. Damn you all.

"Nikolai, it's me." I unfolded his blindfold and could feel his body relax as he saw me.

"Dominic..." he whispered and I could hear the pain in his voice.

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible." I tried to hold back my own tears. How could I let him out of my sight How could I? I was so angry at myself that I wanted to make myself suffer the pain he felt but I have to rescue him.

"mhm.." He tried to stand up but failed due to the pain.

"Stay still, I'll help you." I carefully picked him up and started walking and now we're at the hard part - to actually get out unnoticed.

I walked through the paths I believed not a lot of devils would pass through and to my surprise, I managed to make my way to the last corridor that would lead me to the door - or as I should call it: the gate to hell.

I walked up to the door trying to open it with on hand while I tried to keep Nikolai in place. As I managed to grab the handle I heard a familiar voice.

"where do you think you're going?"

Fuck. I fucked up. Really bad.

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