Book 2: chapter 9

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I quickly lost track of time in the darkness of the mines and eventually, Gandalf lost track of our way as well. Before us are three passages and it's quite unclear on how to continue. Gandalf pauses, looking around bothered. "I have no memory of this place."

Gandalf sits down, deep in thought. "I am too weary to decide." he starts after a moment. "And I expect that you are as well. We had better halt here for what is left of the know what I mean."

Gandalf's suggestion goes down well with the company. The hobbits are nearly asleep on their feet and are quick to curl up for sleep. I myself find a corner and wrap my arms around me as I stare into the darkness, alerted by every little noise. Sometimes I imagine the sound of feet slapping quietly on rock through the murmur of Gandalf's and Frodo's voices.

"Are elves supposed to do that?" I hear Gimli grumble from nearby, distracting me from my paranoia.

"Mh?" I hum in question, making him point to the opposite wall. There Legolas sits, his eyes blank and seeming to be staring through the rocks themselves. His breathing is light.

"I can't tell if the lad is asleep or not." Gimli says, pulling a face. "He hasn't really slept since we left, has he not?"

I shake my head. "Elves don't actually sleep. They...well...I'm not quite sure how to explain it myself."

"He's resting his mind." Aragorn interrupts, sitting down and taking a drink. "Dreaming as it were. They can even dream when on the move. It's something I never quite understood the workings of." he continues.

"I wonder what elves dream of." I mutter, staring at Legolas rather boldly. He's quite fascinating, all elves are, but he especially.

"Elrond's dreams are mostly prophetic, as are Arwen's, but that is their gift. I do not know much about the dreams of other elves, though...Legolas once told me of a dream he had while we journeyed." Aragorn says, catching my attention.

"Oh?" I say, wanting him to continue so as to quench my curiosity.

Aragorn chuckles. "Don't be rude Therith. Dreams are a very private matter." he scolds playfully.

I bite my lip. "Sorry, I don't dream you know." I confess making the dwarf and man raise an eyebrow.

"That's a shame lass. Dreams can be very comforting at times." Gimli says.

Aragorn sighs, smiling knowingly. "I tell you what Therith; I'll put light upon one of the subjects of his dreams...." he starts, making me look up expectantly. Aragorn's mouth opens and he whispers: "Feathers."

I blink at my friend. "Feathers?"

He nods. "Feathers." he states again, making me blink as I lean back on the cool stone.


I hardly slept a wink when Gandalf rose from his spot hours later. It doesn't look like he has rested much either, but his mind is clearer as he announces that he now has decided on the way to go. Gathering everyone, we set back on our journey.

"I'm so hungry." Pippin moans. After fleeing into the mines, many a pack has been left forgotten outside in the turmoil. There is little food to go around.

"Here." I say, handing some dried meat I carried on my person.

"But won't you grow hungry miss Therith?" he questions, reluctantly taking it.

"Perhaps, but I can go without a while longer." I tell him, smiling in reassurance. It doesn't take long before it's all gone into his hobbit stomach.

After some time we make our way under a large arch that gives way to a fast seemingly empty space. Perhaps it only looks that way because it's so terribly dark.

Gandalf pauses, "Let me risk a little more light." he quietly says before illuminating the cavern. Before us rise large pillars set on a smooth floor, holding up the dark ceiling and supporting the equally dark walls. The space seems endless. "Behold! The great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf!" Gandalf announces, leaving us to gape.

Suddenly, Gimli leaps forward looking to be in great distress. Gandalf calls after him but without avail, so instead we decide to follow him. We soon find ourselves in a chamber filled with Goblin skeletons and in the middle stands a large stone tomb.

I rush toward Gimli as he sinks to his knees before the tomb. "" he wails in despair.

"Gimli, what is it?" I question before looking at the inscription on the tomb. I cannot make much of it, but I do remember one word...or a name to be more accurate, from long ago. I gasp. "Truly? Oh no." I put my hand to my heart, feeling sorrow at the loss of a dear friend.

Gandalf comes up behind us. ""Here lies Balin, son of Fudin, Lord of Moria." He is dead then. It's as I had feared." he speaks, saddened.

Turning he picks up a book that has seen better days. ""They have taken the Bridge and the second hall: we have barred the gates...but cannot hold them for long...the ground shakes...drums in the deep...we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. Will no one save us? They are coming."" he quotes. The words are unnerving to say the least.

My heart jumps to my throat when loud crash sounds from behind me. Whipping my head around, my eyes land on the pained face of Pippin as he stares at the well beside him.

Gandalf rounds on him after a moment of silence: "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" he scolds, making the hobbit cower.

My eyes would widen further if they could when the deep sounds of drums start to reach my ears. At first it only seems to come from the well, but as the sound increases, it seems to echo everywhere. The hall itself seems to tremble and dust particles float down from the ceiling with each thump.

Sam's eyes turn to Frodo's side where Sting has been strapped. Frodo pulls in from its sheet to find it glowing eerily and its brightness increases. "Orcs!" Legolas shouts over the noise.

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