Book 2: chapter 22

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With the battle finally over, the women and children were able to come out of the caves. Great relief is seen on their faces, as they must have been caught up in great fears during their long wait. They happily great their loved ones or morn those that are lost. Éowyn too immediately rushes at Aragorn, so glad to see him alive and well.

I stand among the dead uruk-hai, looking up at the sky, thinking how I would just love to take a bath and have a good nights' sleep. It's been a while since I participated in a battle of such a scale and I forgot how tiring it is.

My thoughts are interrupted as Legolas faces Gimli with a confident look, who casually sits on top of one of the bodies, smoking a pipe, looking quite content himself.

"Final count: forty-two." Legolas says, looking rather smug as he fingers his bow.

Gimli however looks at him unimpressed. "Forty-two? Oh? That's not bad for a poppy eared Elvish prince." he states, though sounding utterly sarcastic an patronizing. Legolas looks at him offended. It's rather amusing to see him taken aback like that.

"I myself am sitting on a pretty forty-three." Gimli declares, stretching the word just to rub it in Legolas' face.

To his surprise, Legolas drives an arrow into the body he's sitting on. "Forty-three." he states, smirking.

"He was already dead." Gimli sputters.

"He was twitching." Legolas counters, making the dwarf bristle.

"He was twitching...because he's got my axe embedded in his nervous system!" Gimli exclaims angrily, emphasizing the fact by taking hold of his axe and wiggling it about. It reaction, the arms and legs of the uruk do indeed twitch.

I can't help but howl in laughter, making the two round on me. "He was still alive!" Legolas tries, looking to me for backup.

I wave my hands. "Don't look at me. I consider myself neutral in this game." I chuckle, making the elf sigh and the dwarf laugh at his expense.

"Should you not get your wounds mended?" Legolas suddenly suggests in a worried tone, making me shake my head.

"These cuts and scrapes do not bother me. The smell however...will be the death of me." I mutter, stalking off to find some relief in the form of a bath. I can hear him chuckle in reply behind me.

After cleaning myself up, I make my way back to the others as Gandalf called for my presence. When I find him, our company has gathered and it looks like I wasn't the only one to make themselves decent again.

Ignoring the looks thrown my way by some of the men who must have seen me in my full splendor before, I ask Gandalf about his plan. I can see his mind brewing and he's anxious. Whatever is on his mind, it must not be something he looks forward to.

"The time has come to face our true foe, the one who brought this terrible battle upon the people of Rohan. Now, with Saruman's army beaten, we must travel to Isengard and hope he will hand over any information he hold on Sauron willingly." he explains.

"What are the odds of that happening?" the King questions skeptically, making Gandalf rise a white brow.

"Slim, but we must still try. We need everything we can get if we are to stand a chance in the future."

"I assume we won't wait a day or two?" Gimli questions, looking fatigued. He's not the only one that is wary, we all are.

But much to our dismay, Gandalf confirms Gimli's suspicions. "We can afford some rest on our way, but we must make haste and depart soon."

As the others depart to prepare themselves and their steeds, I turn to Gandalf, looking up at the tall wizard questioningly and slightly concerned. "Can I help you, my dear?" he asks innocently, making me tilt my head.

"Are you afraid of facing your old ally, Gandalf?" I ask, coming straight to the point.

He nods reluctantly in reply. "He may have lost his army, but he's not defenseless yet. His staff is of little concern, but his tongue is sharp and his words can cut deep. Even you might be targeted my child... Though I expect him to be quite worried about himself and his situation and his fear might just get the better of him. Sauron knows he betrayed him and it will cost him...unless he aids us first."

Mulling it over in my mind, silence falls between us and from one thought; my mind skips to another, and another. I realize how lucky we are with Gandalf on our side.

"I'm glad you arrived when you did, Gandalf." I whisper, but know he heard. "You always have had a great sense of timing. Ever since I met you, your timing has been saving lives." I say, turning to look up at him. "I feel like you don't hear this enough and I don't say it as much as I should, but thank you Gandalf. Thank you for looking out for us every time and guiding us through these frightening times. I'm very certain we would be off a lot worse, wouldn't it be for you."

"Hmm." he hums, looking a bit surprised and bashful. "Well...if you say so." he mutters, before clearing his throat. "You know Therith; we all have our part to play before our time comes and you should know that fulfilling some of mine in your company gives me a great sense of happiness. If my timing is to blame for elongating your years, I can only be certain that I would do it all again, had I the chance to do things over again. I hope to continue to be of service and make sure that you and others will thrive in peace. That, I believe, is what you deserve." he says, looking into my eyes with a fatherly smile.

Biting my lip, I blink away the tears that started to gather at the corners of my eyes. Stepping forward, I embrace my dearest wizard, who is quick to return the gesture. "No matter what you may think, keep in mind, that there is a future for you too and it will be a happy one if I have it my way." he whispers.

"Have you ever seen my future or did anyone ever tell you about it?" I question out of curiosity.

He chuckles. "Oh yes, I have indeed. I have seen a terrible future in case the ring falls back into Sauron's hands..." he mutters, squeezing me tighter before letting go and looking me in the eye. "But should that be prevented and the ring will be destroyed..." he continues with a gleam in his eyes. "Your life might turn in a way you yourself probably never held for possible."

My eyes widen, and I can't help wonder what he means. He smiles knowingly, seeing my curious and slightly worried gaze. "Don't worry my dear. It's nothing frightening if you keep an open mind."

Before I can ponder or question more about it, he walks out and I follow him to see the horses ready. You wouldn't tell they've just been through battle as they are clawing at the dirt, ready to go.

Mounting behind Aragorn as Gimli settled behind Legolas, we set off towards Isengard. I have seen it only once in passing. Its grand tower Orthanc was quite impressive, surrounded by great walls. Now, I can only guess at the state of it.

Taking a deep breath, I attempt to calm my nerves on the meet with Saruman that lies in the near future. I must remember to keep my ears shut from his talk, though I doubt there is anything that can sway me and my faith in Gandalf.

I like to emphasize how close Gandalf and Therith are from time to time. I really imagine them having a father-daughter relationship and this part was really sweet.

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