Book 2: chapter 28

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I awake from my short nap, but feel rather refreshed. I stayed up for many hours, talking about our journey to Lord Elrond, though he must be aware of most of it, I suppose he appreciates my point of view somehow.

We also talked about 'other' things. He was very pleased to hear about Legolas and myself. It was then that we had to say our goodbyes. He wanted me to rest at least a little before everyone would rise and ride on.

When I arrived at Éowyns tent, which I chose as the best place to turn in, I was surprised to see dried tears on her cheeks. I wonder what happened, but I didn't dare rouse her. Instead, I silently wiped away the salty streaks, before making myself comfortable and closing my eyes.

Seeing her not here now, means she must be tending to breakfast of be by the side of her family at present. I have no doubt that I will see her soon. She would hate to be left behind and she still has to change into her armor.

Stepping outside, my eyes roam the site until stopping at the row of horses. I'm surprised to see Arod and Brego among them. 'They couldn't have possibly returned so soon.' I think, walking up to the two horses.

"They returned without rider early this morning." Hama explains, walking up to me.

Worried, I quickly look them over, but they seem fit and strong. "That's fine. A mountain is no place for a horse after all. They should be fine." I tell myself more than him.

After eating breakfast, everyone is up and about. I decide to prepare Arod, doing so with the help of a soldier. For me to keep up, I'll have to ride for myself, and that is not something I often do.

Meanwhile I keep an eye on Éowyn and Merry. And when it is time to go, I watch Éowyn emerge from the back of her tent, clad in armor. She goes unnoticed in the fray of preparations, for now that is. A small smile comes to my lips, feeling proud of the woman, but quickly I look away, afraid that when my eyes linger to long, someone will catch on. I will stay close to her, but without rising suspicion.

Mounting Arod, I wait for her to pass me by, picking up Merry as she does. I heard him speak to the King before, and he was blatantly told not to come, much to his dismay. So, now it seems we have two secret soldiers among us.

I'm glad Éowyn decided to take him and save me some trouble. I would have to take him otherwise, gladly I would, but the King would no doubt take notice, resulting in an argument. Spurring the horse on, I quickly follow after the two of them, staying behind them for only a few footfalls the whole way and joining in with the wave of horses and riders that flows out of the campsite.

For three full days we ride though the different sceneries and weather. We sleep little and eat our full quickly each time we halt. Not being used to this way of travel, I can feel the effect it has on me, but as haste is more important, I push any discomfort aside. The quick pace bares fruit and before long Minas Thirith is within reach.

In the distance a city set against the mountains sits, its walls gleaming white. It's a magnificent sight as the afternoon sun is cast upon it. It would be wonderful to visit, were it not for the many legions of orcs running rampant within the walls and many more standing outside, waiting to enter. Above, in the air, a few ringwraiths supervise the creatures. We are late it seems. The city is already being besieged.

When a horn is blown, the Rohirrim come to a halt, gathering on the hill before the army of orcs, casting a long shadow over the plains. They take quick notice of us.

I come to a halt next to my friends, glancing at them to see them looking rather worried. I suppose they are right to do so. This will not be easy, not for beginning soldiers, nor for veterans. We will likely not survive, unless Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arrive with the much needed help. I really hope they do.

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