Chapter 4

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"So...Dixon, eh?" T Dog said from where he was sat at the dining room table.

I grunted as I busied myself with finding the basic first aid kit in the many cabinets and cupboards.

"Just thought, y'know, having a woman might soften him up a bit. He's hell to live with sometimes." he chuckled and I rolled my eyes, putting the first aid kit on the table.

I looked up, seeing T Dog looking at me curiously.

"No." I said firmly, knowing what he was thinking.

I started tugging the zip open on the bag full of medical supplies when it got stuck. I picked it up and started fiddling with it.

"Do you need any painkillers? I bet there's only basic ones here but they might do the trick..."

"He was checking you out, y'know."

 "Do you need painkillers or not?" I asked again, a lot more impatiently.

He grunted.

I narrowed my eyes at the man in front of me and I suddenly felt anger rise up inside of me when what he had said sunk in. Daryl was checking me out out when he was the one that had fucking ended it all those years ago? Pft.

Something started forming in the pit of my stomach and I paused to consider what it was.

Hunger cramps? Nerve cramps?...Butterflies?

Screw that. I don't get damn butterflies. Like hell I do. I ain't some soppy girl desperately in love with their school girl crush or some shit.

The feeling in my stomach made me even more angry for some reason. Why the hell did I get these...hunger pains...when T Dog mentioned that redneck? Probably because he reminds me of roasted squirrel. Yeah! That was it! I hadn't eaten today and since we was interrupted during the preparation of our meal...

"Do you know each other?" 

I didn't answer.

"He said your name before you introduced yourself. I was just wondering..."

I slammed the first aid kit down on to the table, still angry about my...hunger pains.

"You have an awful lot of questions for someone who is meant to be in pain." I growled at him. "Now. Do you need any fucking painkillers OR NOT?"

"Ok! Calm down girl! I was just asking..."

"Why don't we help you Scout." Maggie came rushing in after hearing my voice raise. Patricia trailed after her silently, obviously upset due to Otis going to a zombie infested zone and feeling hopeless because she couldn't do anything about Carl.

"Why don't you do it all? I don't like having people all up in my business." I growled, walking out of the door before anyone could say anything.

I wandered towards the woods taking deep breaths. It was nice not having dead walkers or walking ones littering the streets. Instead, there was now strange, unusual survivors that I knew nothing about. And Daryl Dixon. I don't know which was worse. I sighed and kicked a tree stump angrily. 

"Thinking about me again are we, Dawes?"

I screamed and whipped around, coming face to face with Dixon. We were literally just inches away and I gasped slightly.

"No!" I detested louder than I intended.

"Sshhh." he whispered softly. "You'll attract every walker for miles if ya ain't careful." he chucked quietly and I stared at him shocked. Daryl fucking Dixon was never this...kind...or...or...

I couldn't help but study his face for the first time in years.

His eyes were fucking gorgeous. They were icy blue that had a piercing glare that would make anyone go weak at the knees. His strong jaw line. His cheekbones that seemed to always be a bit more prominent than everyone else's. His long, dark brown hair that hung in his eyes. The specks of blood, dirt and grime that was scattered across his skin...his lips...

Slowly, he leaned forward...

My eyes flew open and I jumped several feet back, shocked and my stomach exploded with them damn hunger pains again. 

"What was you even doing in the woods?" I asked quietly, fully aware of my bright red cheeks.

"Had ter piss." he muttered, and with his cheeks bright red and head hung low, he turned around and stomped back into the woods.

My mouth hung slightly open and I dropped to the ground. I decided to ignore the bitch comment and focused on just one thing. He...kissed me...

He went to kiss me...

Damn that redneck. I looked towards where he had just walked and sighed.

This was turning into one of those shitty day time TV operas where the woman always denies she loves the man.


I just used the word love when I was thinking about Dixon...

I'm so fucking screwed.

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