Chapter 14

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"I swear, if Chinaman had given you a longer list, we wouldn't fit all of the damn things in the truck." Daryl grumbled to himself as he sped down the dirt track leading to the farm. I hadn't been up or down this track since I arrived at the farm for the first time and even then, I only used it as a guide while I stuck to the trees.

I glared at Daryl and gently punched him in the leg. "Hey!" I retorted, catching his attention. "Glenn's alright! And this is for the entire group! Not just him. Even the Greene's have added some stuff to it!" Daryl grunted and sped up more, causing me to shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"Could ya maybe slow down?" I asked innocently causing Daryl to throw a glance at me.

"What? You afraid of a little speed, huh?" he asked back and pressed him foot down on the peddle more.

"Slow the fuck down, will you?" I asked through gritted teeth, shutting my eyes as we narrowly missed hitting a walker that only had 2 limbs remaining.

"You've changed. You would've loved this at one point of your life." he shook his head. "I've got stuff to do today."  Daryl said simply. "Can't waste all day driving like a woman then looking for..." he yanked the small, stained piece of paper from my hand and bought it up into his eyesight. At this point, he only had one hand on the wheel and no eyes on the road. "Lotion?" he asked. "Fuckin' lotion!? I'm risking my life for you people and all you want is to have some shit that smells god damn awful so you can smear all over yourself?"

He shook his head and threw the paper to the ground of the truck.

"All you want is a king size pack of smokes, douche." I challenged him and he raised an eyebrow.

"To smoke with you." He argued.

I huffed and wrapped my arms around me, feeling the surprisingly soft material underneath my fingers. I had changed into a shirt Beth lent me before leaving the farm due to Daryl's being way to baggy for my bony frame. 

"Quit huffing around and put some music on."

I glanced at him in disgust. "Didn't you get the memo? The radio stations are all down. So sorry you can't get your fill of your favourite boyband today, maybe..."

"Nice try, smartass." he interrupted and leaned over me. He popped open the glove box and I saw that a couple of CD's were stacked in there. "CD's still work." I picked them up, disturbing a thick layer of dust that had settled there.

"What do you want on?" I muttered, flicking through them. I saw him shrug out of the corner of my eye so I opened the one that I had landed on. I leant forward to put it into the CD player when Daryl decided that it would be the perfect time to swerve out of the way of another walker. I went flying to the right and landed, face first, into the window causing a sickening whack to sound through the car. My right eye suddenly seared with pain as well as my nose.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself and rubbed my face. I whipped my head around to Daryl when I heard a quiet noise that sounded a lot like him trying not to laugh.

"You think it's funny, huh?" I mumbled but couldn't help but smile when I saw him smile. Crinkles appeared at the side of his eyes and I immediately turned my attention back to what I was doing before. 

An obnoxiously loud redneck banjo started playing and I chuckled.

"Remember when you played the banjo for me?" I asked. When I saw his face I decided to not say anything else about his mortifying ordeal. He tried. He tried so hard to learn how to play it when I had casually mentioned I had a thing for musical guys but it only resulted in having an angry Daryl and a reasonably big pile of fire wood.

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