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A/N: Y'all should follow me on Twitch: drunk_cookiee (only stream Friday night and Saturdays)

"Uh so Y/N.. How has it been?" I looked at him then to the TV.

"It has been alright.. You?" I asked back.

"Good.. Now that I can see you" He mumbled the last part, I looked at him but he just shook his head.

"Ah I said good because I finally got a game I really wanted" I knew what he said but I just nodded, not wanting to disturb him with questions.

"Y/N-" We heard the door bell ring making me stand up, I opened the door revealing the pizza guy. Smii7y paid then got the pizza.

"So uh Y/N, when do you plan on making videos with me? Since you left me hanging last time" I laughed nervously as I ate some pizza.

"We will, don't worry! Just need to edit some videos first and go back home" He nodded as we watched a movie.

We talked about how it was where I lived at and how it was here in Canada, I can't wait to always see him everyday once he goes to my place.

After hours of talking, it turned night.

"I can lend you my room, its fine to sleep here" I felt guilty on him sleeping on this couch, it is comfortable but for sleeping feels very uncomfortable.

"No! I uh.. We can share the bed if you'd like" I blushed in embarrassment for what I said, I didn't want him to sleep here.

"OK, if its alright with then fine" I nodded then we made our way to his bedroom. I wasn't imagining this day would come but not this way.


We were setting up to go to bed but then remembering I didn't have pajamas. Smii7y noticed and lend me a shirt. I started getting dressed but noticing the shirt was too short for me.

Am I the same size as Smii7y?

"Oh! it didn't cover up everything.. Sorry about that" I just shook my head and got in his bed. So did he.

"Good night, Y/N.. Sleep tight.. Beautiful" He murmured then wrapped an arm around me. I snuggled closer to him, he was so cold, why was that?

He started to get warm after I got closer to him, was he nervous too? We aren't dating but don't couples do this instead of friends? Will we ever be anything more than that?

"I love you" Was the last thing I heard.


"Y/N! Smii7y! What the hell is going on around here?!" I quickly got up to see Evan in front of me, glaring at a confused Smii7y.

"What did you do to my sister?!" Evan was more mad, what was he talking about? He looked at the shirt I had and screamed.

"YOU TWO HAD SEX?! THAT FAST??" I covered my ears but groaned when Evan said nonsense.

"Can you shut up? We didn't have sex" I fixed my hair then Evan stopped.

"You best not have touched my little girl!" Evan hugged me, putting my head on his chest. Smii7y sighed, scratching the back of his head.

"I swear I didn't do anything.. You know I wouldn't hurt her" Evan stopped hugging me making me almost fall to the floor.

"Fine.. I'll let it slide, anyways get dressed! We are going to the arcade!" Evan threw some clothes for me, he knew my style.

"Also, y'all wouldn't mind if I bring some friends?" Who is he talking about exactly?

"Who?" I asked.

"Some friends we know dearly, anyways hurry up!" Evan left us alone then I plopped back to the bed.

"AND NO FUCKING YET!" Smii7y blushed but got up to the bathroom to change.

Guess I have to too, I wonder who's he bringing?


Here y'all go! So sorry this was short and bad :'3 but anyways follow me on Twitch if you'd like!

Also so sorry for leaving suddenly! Needed to clear my head for a bit

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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