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"What are we going to do after this? Just go back to Smii7y's place?" Fitz asked, yeah what were we going to do? I was very curious and didn't know.

"Nah we're going to get fucking drunk, Y/N you're of age right?" Mason said, of course we'd get drunk, I haven't really gotten drunk maybe just a little bit but that's about it.

"Yeah I'm 22" I told him, we all left and they bought some drinks so we could take them back to Smii7y's house, we finally arrived and Mason was the first to open them up.

"Here ya go" Fitz gave me a beer and I looked at it, hello old friend, been some time since I've had you. I took a sip and instantly got addicted to it. That night was the most drunk I've gotten.

"Woah Y/N you ok?" I heard someone, I laughed and went up to him, he was the most sober out of all of us.

"Hey there! Did I tell ever tell you that you're very hot but don't tell Smii7y, he'll get mad if he heard me say that" My drunk self said, he chuckled and hugged me.

"You're way too drunk"

"Hey! Smii7y won't like me touching another man, better stop hugging me"

"Let's go babe, you're too drunk"

"Swagger! This man is going to touch me!! Tell him I'm Smii7y's" I heard Swagger laugh at me.

"That is Smii7y you retard" I heard him yell at me then went to talk with the guys, I looked at the guy and saw it was indeed him.

"Ah Smii7y I thought you were some cunt trying to touch me" I giggled then he lead me to our bedroom, he set me down and took off my shoes off.

"Smii7y come lay down with me my precious milkbag!" I heard him laugh but laid down next to me.

"You're so pretty" I blushed but just smiled, cuddling with him. I started to get touchy and he let me, not caring if I did but when I went too far he stopped me.

"I don't think you're ready plus you're drunk" He told me, I frowned but got on top of him, I took his shirt off and continued.

"You sure you're ready?" He asked which I nodded to.

"I'm ready, and this is sober Y/N talking" I said in a serious tone, he just nodded and I continued. I am ready, I want this now. I kissed him and we started taking our clothes one by one.


I woke up the next morning to find myself naked and my head was hurting like crazy, I looked to my right to see Smii7y, sleeping and naked. I thought on what we did last night and smiled. I saw him shift a bit but was still asleep.

I changed and went downstairs to see where everyone was up, I saw Mason and Fitz in the living room while Swagger and Toby were in the kitchen. John was the only responsible one to go to his room. I laughed a bit and took a picture, Swagger still had his mask surprisingly.

I posted it on Twitter and Instagram saying, "What a crazy night with the boyyys" I quietly giggled and picked up the mess that we did, I got some Advil and water for the headache.

"Hey, Y/N" I heard a deep voice making me look behind me, it was just Fitz.

"Hey.. want some Advil?" I asked him, he nodded and I gave him a pill with some water. I felt a bit better but the pain was still there.

"So what did you and Smii7y do after he dragged you upstairs" He asked then I remembered what we did making me blush, he seemed to notice and laughed a bit.


I made some breakfast while Fitz helped, making sure to not step on the guys passed out on the floor. Fitz at times got close to me but I didn't pay much attention to it.


We finished cooking and decided to eat the food we made which was delicious I might add.


"Y/N how did you know Smii7y was the one?" He asked me, I thought for a second and shrugged a bit.


"I just really liked him when we talked and he made me feel very special" I told him while eating, Fitz just nodded and continued eating.


"You have something on your cheek, here let me get it" Fitz got close and took off whatever I had on my cheek, he was way too close and it looked like he was, whatever at least he's not trying anything.

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing to my girl?" We heard someone making us look at the stairs to see Smii7y, oh fuck.

"Smii7y it's not what it looks like" I tried calming him down, Fitz was now sitting down, away from me.

"He tried kissing you!" His yells made the guys wake up with a groan.

"Smii7y shut the fock up yo will ya?" Mason said, holding his head, Swagger took off his mask off.

"No! Because Fitz tried kissing my girl" His words made everyone look at us, ah fuck.

"No he wasn't, he was just cleaning whatever I had on my cheek" I tried explaining myself.

"Dude I would never do that to your girl, I would never betray you like that" Fitz tried calming Smii7y down but he denied it, not hearing us out.

"Bullshit! I saw you get close to her, even yesterday you got close to her" Smii7y crossed his arms.

"But Fitz has a girlfriend" Swagger said, I looked at him and Fitz nodded.

"Yeah, she's my friend and Fitz would never do that" Mason then said, wow I didn't know he had a girlfriend, Smii7y calmed down.

"That's good to hear, sorry dude I didn't know" Smii7y said then sat down next to me, Fitz nodded understanding. We all talked about what we did last night and laughed at the stupid shit we did.

All week that they were with us it was nothing but laughter and almost going out, sometimes we stayed and smoked. The last day they all left and said their goodbyes.

"That was amazing" I said with a smile which he nodded to.


5 months went by fast and it was already Evan's girlfriend graduation and we all went to watch her graduate, I remember when I graduated and it was the best thing ever.

After that we took pictures and talked until we all had to leave, that girl was very sweet and nice, her name was Maya and she's the girlfriend of Evan.

"Y/N, you know these past 5 months being with you are amazing" Smii7y as we were going home, I smiled at him, holding his hand while he was driving.

"It's amazing for me as well" I said, which made him smile, I love this man so much.

~2 years later~

"We should probably put the bed over there" I told Smii7y, he thought for a second and nodded.

"I can't wait for her to be born" He said making me giggle, it's been two years and now I'm pregnant with his baby.

"I'll be right back, ok? Need to get some stuff from the store" Smii7y told me then kissed me on the lips, I decided to go through my messages and stumbled upon one that was unknown.

"Your End is near, Y/N"

What a weird message, but how do they know my name? Probably because of Smii7y, I tensed up and tried calming down. Whatever I have Smii7y and my life was complete, I wonder what the future has in store for me.

I'm DoNe WiTh ThIs... HeLp Me

The End Is Near, Y/N


Eh this was short but I swear I'll make another Smii7y story in the new beginning ;)

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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