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I got/made some food then quickly ate it, I was really hungry which was weird. God why was I so hungry? Feels like I haven't eaten in days. I felt arms wrap around my waist making me look up seeing it was Smii7y.

"What's up my buttercup? How are you feeling?" He said, smiling down at me. He called me his buttercup, I can die happy now.

"I'm feeling good, you finished recording?" I asked him, taking a bite out of my food, already finishing it.

"Yes finally, all I need to do is edit it then publish it but damb I'm feeling lazy right now" He complained which just made me laugh a bit, it's stressful making YouTube videos for a living but oh well, oh swell.

My phone buzzed making me take it out, I wonder who it is. It was an unknown number? Weird I wonder who it is.

Hello, I'm glad I could finally talk to you :)

Uh who in the heavens is this?

I am someone unknown, you can't know just yet ;)

Uh why not?

You'll find out soon enough ugh!!

Uh ok then? Wait is this Evan!? God damn it Evan stop trying to scare me.

No it isn't Evan, I am just a friend of yours that you don't know just yet.

Ugh John you can stop trying to joke with me then

It isn't John either

Fitz? SwaggerSouls? Tyler? Marcel? Scott?

No! You're making this harder than it supposed to be, listen I'm not any of the people you listed. I'm just someone you know!

Hmm well alright, can you tell me if you're a boy or girl?

I'm a girl

Ah ok..

Anyways I must go, have fun! With Smii7y

I got confused, who was this? And how did they get my number? I sighed and put my phone away, they must have the wrong number then. I saw that Evan texted me.

(Evan is left, you are right)

Sup! How are you and Smii7y doing?

Doing fine, and you?

I went back to H/T

What?! Why!!

I don't know, I just didn't want to be here. I want to be a teacher!

Are you ok? Why do you even wanna be a teacher?

To relieve the moments I had with my friends and I.

Wow, well good luck? Don't date any underage girls, you're 23 and can go to jail for that

Don't worry, I'll just do it for a year! Plus I have Tyler!

I forgot that he was dating Tyler, yeah he's bisexual; still my best friend.

Ok well good luck, what about my equipment? I need to make videos

I'll send it over there, don't worry Y/N

I gotta go, have fun with Smii7y.. well not too much ;)

Yeah yeah whatever Evan, don't be a pedophile

Haha so funny!

I put my phone away then decided to scare Smii7y, why? Cause fuck it. I went to his office and slowly tip toed to him. I was about to scare him but he scared me instead.

"What the fuck! How'd you hear me?!" I was on the floor, trying to keep calm. He kept laughing as he fell on the floor too.

"I heard you, can't sneak up on me babe!" I blushed when I heard him say that but quickly ignored it. Forgot we were dating.

"Anyways you caught me at the right time, I finished editing" He cheered for himself, I giggled and got off the floor so did he.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked, wiping himself. I thought for a second and didn't have a clue on what to do.

"Hmm beats me, hey guess what Evan did" He looked confused but listened anyway, I sat down on his chair and cleared my throat.

"He moved back to H/T and decided to be a teacher... how weird is that!?" Smii7y laughed for a bit.

"Evan.. being a teacher? I doubt they have a class to teach how to play video games. He doesn't know how to teach anything" He shrugged, it was harsh but the truth, why the heck does he want to be a teacher?

"How will he enter anyway?" I got up and thought, you need some type of degree to get in or take a test right? I don't know much about teachers and schools.. I didn't really care school anyway.

"Well that's weird but not going to pay any attention to it, what if he gets someone pregnant? Oof that's not right" Smii7y said which made me disgusted, if Evan finds a girl and makes her pregnant then that won't be fine at all.

"Well he has Tyler so he won't cheat like that" Smii7y was surprised but calmed down.

"Forgot he even was with Tyler.. their relationship is a bit toxic though" I got confused, why is it toxic?

"I say that because Tyler is too clingy and Evan is very distant of him, he was closer to you" He looked angry at the last part but calmed down, why was he mad?

"Yeah but he doesn't like me, he doesn't show any hints of liking me" I quickly said, Smii7y looked at me and softened a bit, glad he heard that.

"Yeah I know, I love you" He hugged me, I was hesitant at first but hugged back, I loved hugs especially from him. He was so warm to cuddle with since it's so cold here in Canada.

He started to put his hands more down which made me blush, what exactly was he gonna do? Was it too early to get.. touchy?

"I'm glad I met you, Y/N" He suddenly said, stopping at my bottom waist, close to my ass. Everything was hot all of a sudden, were we going to- no, wasn't it too early?

"I wanna make you feel better" He suddenly said, looking at me and kissing me. His hands now on my ass. My eyes widened, I liked it actually but didn't know how to react.

What do I do?


Oh my lard I updated all of my books, finally? Sorry it took long lmao.

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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