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I didn't know what to do, should I let him continue? Should I stop him? I was having mixed feelings, I enjoyed it yet wanted to wait for the right moment. I decided to stop him, I looked at him and stopped him.

"I don't think we should do it so soon, I wanna wait... please" He looked at me and smiled, nodding then put his hands on my waist.

"I'll wait as long as you wish babe" He ruffled with my hair and chuckled, I looked at him and smiled at him. I'm so glad he understood, I just needed time to get used to this.

"What do you wanna do then? I'm done with editing and recording for the day, wanna go out?" He suggested, I thought for a second and nodded. I went to our room and changed to go out.

I got out and thought for a moment, where are we going again?

"Hey Smii7y!" I yelled out for him, he replied back and then I asked where we were going.

"That is.. a good question, I don't know either" He yelled back, I giggled and went where he was, I saw him with Octavia which made me smile.

"Do you wanna go somewhere with Octavia? She misses going outside, even though it's snowing a bit" I nodded, I made sure I was dressed correctly for the cold outside.

"You ready to go, Octavia?" Smii7y got up and Octavia got excited, I smiled at the scene before me. He was so cute even if he didn't try. I love him so much. We left to go for a walk, Octavia ran around near us and admired the snow.

"It's very beautiful, why don't we go out so often?" I look around us, I enjoyed snow a lot/not a lot.

"Oh I don't know maybe because it could get us sick, or worse we can slip on ice. That'll be funny to watch" He laughed at the thought of someone falling on ice.

"Watch Octavia is going to fall in 3..2..1" and right there, Octavia fell onto the snow, I was shocked and laughed with Smii7y.

"How did you even know?" I asked, Octavia got up and continued to walk like nothing happened.

"I'm the master at predictions, don't you know girl?" He indeed was the master at predictions, I wasn't even expecting her to fall but hopefully she's ok.

Smii7y's phone ringed, he looked at it and smiled then looked at me which made me confused.

"Some of my friends are coming to Canada" Was it the guys again?

"These are different people, you may not know them" Another group of friends? Who may they be?

"Who are they?" I asked, he started to tell me who they were.

"SwaggerSouls, Fitz, John which you already know of, Mason and Toby" I only know of John but that's about it, don't know who the others were.

"I'll show you some videos of them at home" I nodded then we continued to walk, after 20 minutes we went back since it was getting cold. As he promised, he put a video of the guy named SwaggerSouls.

He was pretty funny, dark humor which I kind of like. His voice sounded like it was made up but we'll see once I get to know him.

Next was Fitz, Smii7y told me he was more like the serious guy in the group and he was very tall. I doubt he was tall but we will see. His videos were funny too and his humor was like Swagger's.

Next was Mason, he was like the other guys. I'm guessing all of them have the same humor which was dark, I'm going to like them.

Last was Toby, he was funny as well. I like all of them, they seem pretty cool but was nervous when I was going to meet them. It's ok, I got this. At least Smii7y and John are going to be here.

"So how long will they stay?" I asked him, he paused the video and got his phone out. After a minute he put it down.

"For a week, I hope that's ok for you" I nodded, Smii7y's house is pretty big and I think all of them will fit.

"Wait why are they coming? Just to visit?" I asked which he nodded to. I'm glad he has good friends who visit him, I wonder what Evan is doing with that teacher thing, I bet he already got the girls fall for him.

"When are they coming?" I asked, he looked at me then thought.

"I think in a few hours or tomorrow, depends but they told me they'll text me when I need to pick them up" He explained which I understood, this is going to be fun. I wonder what will happen when they stay.

Hopefully nothing bad...


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I made a Discord! Link: https://discord.gg/NqaqdPN

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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