Chapter 1

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For Dazai, it was just a normal day. He was bunking off work again and strolling through the streets of Yokohama, thinking about nothing in particular. It was around lunch time, so it wasn't too busy, but not exactly quiet either. He could see some people rushing back to work holding a sandwich, and others eating leisurely at a cafe. Dazai wasn't hungry though, so he just walked about, basically just wasting time.

"Look out!"

Dazai didn't even have time to turn his head before the car hit him.

The scene of the accident wasn't pretty, the car had hit Dazai full on in the side and he'd caught his leg, meaning he didn't roll onto the windscreen like the cars were designed to do, instead he got pushed along with the car until it hit a building. The wall collapsed, raining rubble down on both the car and Dazai, who was still trapped.

The driver wasn't found but an ambulance arrived quickly and attempted to retrieve Dazai. In the end, they had to call in the firemen to get him out. All the rubble had to be lifted away and then the car had to be moved to free his leg.

When they eventually got him out, things didn't look good. His right leg, that was trapped, was broken in multiple places. Most of his ribs were broken, including every rib on the right side of his chest. His left arm was broken from the falling rubble and he had a severe head injury, rendering him unconscious.

It didn't take the Port Mafia long to find out about this incident and when they heard Dazai was involved they immediately sent out one of their own ambulances to retrieve him. The ambulance got there just as the firemen were moving the car, and was ready to take him to the Port Mafia's private hospital as soon as he was out.

The ADA also heard about this incident soon after it happened, although it wasn't until the broadcast showed Dazai being pulled out that they knew he had been involved. The ambulance had already taken Dazai away by the time they got there and when they went to check the local hospital, they said he was being taken to a private hospital instead. All the members were obviously worried about him since the crash looked like it could have been fatal. They all desperately hoped he would be ok, but deep down, they all knew those chances were slim.

Back at the Port Mafia's private hospital, Dazai was immediately taken to an operating theatre and the surgeons set to work trying to fix his broken leg and arm, as well as tending to his head injury and his ribs along with all the other minor wounds he received.

Eventually, he was wheeled out of the operating theatre and to his assigned room. Chuuya, along with Mori and Kouyou, were waiting there when he arrived.

"How is he?" Chuuya asked immediately.

"Not great, I'm afraid. I would say he was going to be fine if he didn't have that head injury. We gave him a light anaesthetic just in case he woke up but at the end of the operation, we couldn't wake him up at all." The anaesthetist glanced across at Dazai, lying very still on the bed. "To be completely honest, we're not sure if he'll ever wake up...I'm sorry..."

Chuuya bit his lip and glanced at Dazai. Kouyou brought her hand to her mouth in shock, doing the same. Mori frowned slightly, still looking at the anaesthetist.

"I'll leave you now...someone will be along later to check on him." The anaesthetist left the room, leaving the three of them to their thoughts. Kouyou was the first to break the silence that had settled over the room.

"Poor Dazai, being stuck in a coma must be the worst thing to happen to him..."

"Well, he doesn't know he's in one. He doesn't know anything. He may as well be dead." Chuuya replied, perhaps a little too harshly, but no one criticised him. They knew this was especially tough for him, having spent most of his time around Dazai for the majority of his life.

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