Chapter 11

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Now that Chuuya had been looking after Dazai for a few weeks, things had begun to settle down. Chuuya could just about trust Dazai on his own for a while and Dazai didn't need to constantly cling to Chuuya everywhere they went.

"Alright, Dazai, I have a meeting now so be good while I'm gone, ok?"

"Ok, Chuuya!"

"And if someone is working, don't bother them, ok?"

"Ok, Chuuya!"

"Good, I'll see you after my meeting then."

"Ok, Chuuya!"

Chuuya gritted his teeth and sighed at Dazai's over-enthusiastic reply, striding off in the direction of the meeting room he needed to be in.

Dazai watched Chuuya go and then strolled off to one of the lounges to find someone who was off-duty to talk to. When he arrived, he found Tachihara sitting and having a cup of coffee. He lifted his head as Dazai approached.

"Oh, hello, Dazai, how are you today?" He asked a little more brightly than usual.

"Hi, Tachihara! Guess what!"


"One of Chuuya's subordinates said they'd take me out for a treat today!" He grinned happily.

"Oh really? That's very nice of them!" Tachihara replied politely.

"Yep! They should be here in about an hour!"

"I see, so, what is your treat then?"

"I.m not sure...I know we're going out for lunch but they also said they had a surprise for me as well..."

"Lucky you!" Tachihara, despite usually being incredibly aggressive, was managing to be surprisingly kind towards Dazai now that he had the mind of a child.

The two of them talked for about half an hour before Chuuya's subordinate appeared, looking slightly nervous.

"Look! There they are!" Dazai waved goodbye to Tachihara and sped over to the subordinate, a big smile on his face.

"Oh, Dazai, there you are.." They said with a hint of regret in their voice.

"Are you ready to go? Can we go now?" Dazai asked enthusiastically.

"Ah...well...I'm sorry Dazai...but something has come up and I'm afraid I can't take you out today..."

"You...can't take me out...?"

"I can't...I'm sorry..." They shook their head.

"But...but you promised! You said you could take me out for a treat!" Dazai's voice got louder. "It's not fair! You have to take me out!"

"I-I'm sorry Dazai, but I can't..."

"You have to! You said!" Dazai began to shout, clenching his fists.

"Uh oh..." Tachihara watched the scene unfold and quietly slipped out to find Chuuya.

"L-Look, Dazai, I can take you out for a treat another time...ok...?" A child's tantrum would be nothing to worry about if it were coming from a child's body, but Dazai, being as tall as he was, meant that a tantrum could potentially get someone hurt.

"No! I want to have my treat now!"

Chuuya was trying to round up the meeting when Tachihara burst into the room.

"What the-? Tachihara what do you think you're doing?" Chuuya asked, annoyed that his meeting was interrupted.

"It's Dazai, he's throwing a tantrum!"

Chuuya's eyes went wide in surprise for a second before dropping, along with the rest of his face, into his 'I'm so done with that idiot' expression.

"Don't worry, Chuuya, I'll finish up, you go and sort Dazai out," Hirotsu said, motioning for Chuuya to go.

Chuuya excused himself and left, following Tachihara back to the lounge.

Dazai was still throwing a tantrum when they got there.

"Dazai!" Chuuya shouted, stopping him mid-complaint.

Dazai turned around and wailed at Chuuya. "Chuuyaaaa, your subordinate won't take me out for my treeeaat!"

Said subordinate looked at Chuuya apologetically and Chuuya couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

"Dazai! Come here right now!"

"But Chuuya-"

"Now!" Chuuya's stern voice made Dazai shuffle over to where he was standing, still complaining quietly.

"Not fair..."

"I'm so sorry for Dazai, please don't ever feel like you have to prioritise him over your work." Chuuya bowed slightly and pushed Dazai's head down to make him bow as well.

"I-It's completely alright sir...think nothing of it..."

"Right, go and do your work then."

They nodded and made their way off to where work requested they be. Chuuya dragged Dazai back to their quarters.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Dazai?!" Was Chuuya's angry statement when they got there.

"But they promised they'd take me out for a treat today!"

"Dazai, something came up and they had to work instead! The world doesn't revolve around you, you know! If someone can't do something then you say 'that's alright' and arrange another date with them, not throw a tantrum!"

Chuuya's common sense got through to Dazai in the end and he calmed down, looking at his feet shamefully.

"Hey...what if I take you for a treat as soon as I finish work, ok?" Chuuya said more softly.

Dazai nods.

"Alright then, can you be good until I finish work, Dazai?"

He nods again, cheering up a bit already. "Mhm! I can be good!"

"Good boy," Chuuya reaches up to ruffle his hair and heads off to finish his work for the day.

What Dazai didn't know, however, that Chuuya meant this treat to benefit both Dazai and himself.

Dazai's Childish PredicamentWhere stories live. Discover now