Chapter 13

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"Dazai, come on, get up!" Chuuya shouted as Dazai, once again, refused to get out of bed.

"But I don't wanna..." Came the whiny reply from under a pile of covers.

"Now, Dazai, I don't have time for you to play around!"


"Fine, I'll drag you out myself," Chuuya stuck a hand under the covers and grabbed Dazai's leg, dragging him out from under the covers and over to the bathroom. "Go get dressed,"

Dazai complained but did as Chuuya said, already being able to smell breakfast.

Once breakfast was over and done with, Chuuya sat Dazai down and pulled up a chair opposite him. "Ok, Dazai, we're going to be trying to get you to remember things today, ok?"

"Ok!" Dazai chirped, a lot happier now that he was fed. "But...what exactly am I trying to remember?" He tilted his head slightly as he asked.

"You're trying to remember your past, all the memories you can't remember now that you have amnesia."

"Ohhh, ok!" Dazai was as bright as ever, not knowing what horrors his past held.

"So, first off, the Armed Detective Agency, what do you know about them?"

"Umm..." Dazai thought for a few moments before shrugging. "I don't know that much, only some of their abilities and stuff,"

"How did you know Mr Fukuzawa liked cats?"

"He told me. Everyone knows." Dazai replied with no hesitation.

"Dazai, can you remember him telling you this after your accident?"

"Umm..." Dazai's face formed a frown as he tried to comprehend what his brain was telling him. "He...didn't..."

"He didn't?" Chuuya prompted, hoping he might be getting through.

"He didn't...tell me..."Dazai had a puzzled expression on his face. " do I know...?" He looked at Chuuya for answers.

"You're remembering, Dazai," Chuuya said with a smile. "Remembering things from before your accident."

"I am?"

"Yes, you are,"

"Is that good?"

"It's very good, Dazai, I want you to remember as much as you can, ok?"

"Ok! I'll remember!" Dazai tried to concentrate very hard, mistakenly thinking he could remember everything all at once.

"Chuuya," Dazai whined, "It's not working,"

"Hm? What isn't?"

"The remembering," Dazai continued.

"You're not just going to 'remember', silly," Chuuya chuckled, "start from the one memory you have, and then spread from there,"


"Focus on the memory of Fukuzawa liking cats,"


"You doing that?"


"Now, think about who's related to Fukuzawa and what you can remember about them. Start small and as closely related to cats and Fukuzawa as possible, using other things you know about them to fill in the gaps and hopefully remember more."

Dazai nodded and focused again. " close to Fukuzawa...and...likes sweets...but...he can't do something..." He frowned. "But I can't remember what..."

Dazai's Childish PredicamentWhere stories live. Discover now