Chapter 14

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"So, how is it looking?" A man said, sitting at his desk in a darkened room, the flickering of the many screens behind him the only light.

"Well...he's not dead...but he doesn't seem to remember anything so our plan practically worked."

"Being alive means he can remember. You failed. The plan wasn't a success."

"'ve seen the footage, he acts like a child!"

"A child can learn!"

The man standing in front of the desk flinched a little.

"There's nothing we can do at the moment...he's being too heavily guarded by Mr Nakahara there. Once he begins to get back into the swing of Mafia life, however, we can formulate a way to take him out once and for all. The other executive dying would be a bonus but without Dazai there is no Corruption."

"Yes, sir..."

"Formulate a plan now."


"Yes! Now! Changes can be made based on the conditions but I want a structure! Go!"

"Y-Yes sir!" The man scurried out of the room, leaving the lone man in his chair, pondering the situation.

"For someone who wants to die, you sure do cling on to life with more stubbornness than most people." He mumbled, picking up a phone on his desk and dialling a number. "Hello? Yes, it's me. No, Dazai isn't dead but we're working on it. Start on the plan of attack? Is that wise? Right, I see, that makes sense. Yes I have someone working on it as we speak. Good, once I have a plan I'll send it to you. Take out the ADA? That'll be easy. The Port Mafia, a little harder but nothing we can't manage. The executive? Nakahara? We'll kill him if we can but I can't make any promises. Ah, of course, Dazai might come in use there. Shall we kill him first or not? Right, ok, thank you, speak to you soon." The phone was put down and the man stood up, leaving the room.

"Alright, now that we're all here, it's time to begin planning our attack." The man said, looking around at the people sat at the table. He was one of the senior members of this group, hence why he had his own office.

"Now? But Dazai isn't even dead yet."

"We'll factor that in once we have more information. He may be better to us alive until our attack so we can't decide that just yet. For now, we need to think about how we are going to take down the Port Mafia and the ADA."

"Right...well...the ADA shouldn't be much trouble. They're a small group."

"Small...but powerful." Another member chipped in. "Even a small Port Mafia attack doesn't do anything against them. We need to split them up and take them out one-by-one."

"I agree," the leader said, "You can be in charge of that part of our mission."

"Yes, Sir!"

"The Port Mafia will be harder, but unlike the ADA, they aren't all ability users. I want you to separate them as best as you can. The grunts will be easy enough to kill off but the ability users could be a problem. Ideally, we want them dead but if that's not possible, injure them or split them up. Leave Nakahara and Dazai. We want them both dead if possible and that means exploiting Nakahara's apparent fondness for the man. Capture Dazai and use him as a hostage, then take out Nakahara. Once he's dead, Dazai will soon follow. Mori is the other person we must kill. He's the boss and without him and the majority of the members, the Port Mafia will fall. Now, I have assigned each of you a part of this plan to work on. I want your plans back in three days. Make sure to talk to each other so we don't have overlaps. Once the boss approves it we will get the resources and ideally attack by the end of the week. Are we clear on that?"

"Yes, sir!" The men chorused and the meeting ended.

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