Chapter 8

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The next day, the Port Mafia caught a spy. Chuuya made sure Dazai was out of the way before they took him down to the dungeon. Clearly, Mori would order someone to get the information out of him and Chuuya didn't want Dazai getting curious and seeing what was going on. As such, Chuuya took the day to do paperwork, meaning both him and Dazai could stay in Chuuya's quarters all day.

Dazai, after having been locked up in his own quarters for the whole of yesterday, wanted, much to Chuuya's dismay, to go and run around.

"Chuuyaaaa, I want to go run arouuuund," Dazai whined, tugging at Chuuya's sleeve as he sat at his desk.

"Dazai you can't run around today, ok? Just sit down and read a book or something."

"But Chuuyaaaa..."

Chuuya sighed and put down the file he was reading. "You want me to do something with you?" Despite the invitation, Chuuya's quarters didn't have much in the ways of toys, games, and other things children, like Dazai, would want to play with. That didn't seem to stop Dazai usually, but today he was simply feeling a bit restless and didn't want to sit around.

Dazai nodded, "Take me out! Take me out!"

"Dazai I can't," Chuuya said and sighed again.

"Pleeeaaaasssseeeeee!" Dazai pouted and tried to look innocent.

Chuuya gave up.

"Alright, I'll take you out, but you must promise not to run off, ok? I'll take you outside and you can run around for a bit, then we're coming straight back here, ok?"
"Yeeeeeey!" Dazai jumped up and down in joy as Chuuya stood up and got his hat and coat.

"Hand." Chuuya held out his hand, and Dazai took it. That way he could be sure Dazai didn't go running off anywhere.

They made their way out of Chuuya's quarters, Dazai trotting along happily beside Chuuya. The energetic yet serene atmosphere surrounding the two of them didn't last long though. Dazai spotted some people going somewhere he'd never been before and his curiosity got the better of him. Before Chuuya had time to react he had shot off in that direction, going straight past the two people going that way.

"Dazai!!" Chuuya knew exactly where that corridor led and it was the one place he didn't want Dazai to go. Unfortunately for him, even if he used his ability, he couldn't get down the corridor and the flights of stairs fast enough to stop him.

"Dazai!!" He stopped, staring at Dazai's back as he stood staring at the scene in front of him. "Dazai...come on...turn around and come to me..."

Dazai didn't move, he was fixed to the spot. Chuuya walked up to him, gently taking his arm.

"Dazai...come on..." he pulled on it gently. Dazai's eyes were wide and his body was stiff. In front of him was a room, and a scene, he knew very well, or at least, he did before the accident. A person chained to a wall covered in blood. The blood covered them, the wall, and the floor. A small table with various instruments stood to one side, also bloodstained.

Suddenly Dazai went limp and collapsed.

"Dazai!" Chuuya tried to catch him and succeeded in slowing his decent to the floor. "Dazai come on open your eyes!"

After around a minute, they flickered open again. "Chuuya...?"

"Yes, Dazai, it's me. Come on, let's get you back to the room."

"What happened, Chuuya?"

"Shh you just fainted, that's all, come on let's get you up." Chuuya helped him up, careful to keep his view of the scene obscured lest he faint again.

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