Chapter 9

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A couple of days after Dazai's first nightmare, Chuuya is called up to Mori's office once again.

"Come on, Dazai, I can't be late for my appointment with Mori."

Dazai finished his breakfast and, after placing his plate by the sink, grabs his blanket and goes over to Chuuya waiting by the door.

"You don't need to carry that thing everywhere, you know," Chuuya eyed the blanket.

"But out there is where my nightmares happen! I need my blanket to keep me safe!" Dazai replied, clutching his blanket tighter.

Chuuya could understand Dazai's reasoning, but this was yet another thing he would have to explain. "Fine, just come on, we need to get going."

They made their way towards the lift that took them to Mori's office on the top floor. As Chuuya thought, Dazai got some odd looks as the walked. Luckily, most people had gotten used to Dazai's odd behaviour by now and simply went about their business.

Once they arrived at Mori's office, Mori and Chuuya started to talk while Dazai watched Elise curiously.

"Another mission? How long?" Chuuya asked, wondering if he could just leave Dazai in his own quarters again.

"Two days, you leave in an hour."

"Two days...what on earth am I supposed to do with Dazai?"

"He is your responsibility, you need to sort out accommodation for him for the next two days."

"Yes, sir." Chuuya glanced back at Dazai, wondering who would be willing to take him in for two days.

"very well, you are dismissed." Mori motioned for Chuuya to leave, however, as they began to go, Elise suddenly ran up to Dazai, showing him one of her drawings.

"Look! Dazai!"

Dazai looked curiously at the drawing, agreeing that it was indeed a drawing of himself.

"Draw with me!" Elise showed Dazai some of her crayons. Dazai, having never seen crayons before, immediately followed her over to where the rest of the crayons and some paper was.

"Dazai, we need to go!" Chuuya hissed, not wanting to get on Mori's bad side.

Mori, however, simply chuckled, "Oh don't worry about it, Chuuya, Dazai is more than welcome to keep Elise company up here while you are away."

"He- He is?"

"Of course! as long as he doesn't get in the way, which I doubt he will, there's no problem with him staying up here."

Chuuya was a little bit puzzled but didn't argue. "Very well, thank you for accepting Dazai, and Dazai, be good to the Boss, ok?"

Dazai looked up nodded, then continued focusing on what Elise was doing.

Chuuya left the room to get ready for his mission.

Chuuya's mission was one of surveillance and he wondered why one of his subordinates couldn't take care of it. Either way, it meant crawling around for two days and not getting much sleep at night and Chuuya wasn't looking forward to it. He collected his equipment and met his small team of three officers.

They drove out to the location and set up the listening station, hoping to catch any transmissions sent from an enemy base close by.

Back in Mori's office, Dazai was really getting the hang of drawing. Elise had taught him the basics of drawing and had shown him all of her pictures one-by-one. That alone took most of the day but by the evening, Dazai was creating his own drawings. Most of them had Chuuya included somewhere in them but he also drew pictures of himself, Elise, and Mori.

Dazai's Childish PredicamentWhere stories live. Discover now