Chapter 10

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As Chuuya had predicted, a couple of days later he was given orders to lead a mission to wipe out the enemy base that he'd been ordered to perform surveillance on. Unlike the surveillance mission, this would take place in a single night so Chuuya didn't have to worry about sending Dazai anywhere else. He did, however, worry about Dazai seeing him when he returned. There was the possibility he could be covered in blood and Chuuya didn't want Dazai to see that. As a precaution, he had Dazai eat lots of sugar that morning and have him run around in order to completely tire him out. Once Dazai was asleep late in the afternoon, Chuuya went to get ready for the mission.

A few hours later, it was all over. Chuuya stepped out of the van and made his way slowly to his quarters. He never liked these missions and they always took their toll on him. Despite being a ruthless Mafia executive, he still had his humanity and although he didn't really have a problem with carrying out brutal tasks like this, there was always a part of him that ached, more so now that he was looking after Dazai.

He reached his quarters and stumbled inside. He'd left a dim light on so he wouldn't turn on the main light and wake Dazai up, he was glad the light was dim, it reflected his mood. He immediately started to take off his weapons and other things he needed for his mission, muttering quietly to himself and partially forgetting Dazai was sleeping peacefully on the sofa.

Once he was free of all his weapons, he shoved them in a drawer, closing it loudly and accidentally waking Dazai up as he did so.

"Hm...?" A sleepy voice came from underneath the mound of blankets on the sofa.

Chuuya cursed quietly, letting himself get carried away in his thoughts led to him being careless and forgetting Dazai was here, meaning he shut drawers loudly and didn't bother to walk around quietly.

"Chuuya...? Is that you...?" Dazai sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, it's just me, go back to sleep, Dazai."

"But you're back, that's a good thing."

"I know it is, Dazai, but it's late, go back to sleep."

"Aren't you going to sleep...?"

"I'm going to sleep in a moment, ok?"

"Ok...goodnight, Chuuya..." Dazai lay down again and Chuuya walked into the bedroom to get changed. He took longer than usual to get dressed. Chuuya simply felt down, like he usually did after missions like this, and it meant that he did everything with a noticeable lack of enthusiasm or feeling.

When he came out of the bedroom to put his bloodstained clothes in the linen basket, dressed in his nightclothes, he sighed deeply. Little did he know that Dazai was still awake.

"Chuuya...are you ok...?" The little voice asked again.

"Dazai? You're still awake? I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine." Dazai popped his head out from under the blankets, squinting at Chuuya.

"I'm fine, Dazai." He quickly put the clothes straight into the washing machine and shut it, walking back over to stand a little way from Dazai.

Dazai got up and shuffled over to Chuuya, squinted at him for a second, then gave him a hug.

Chuuya stiffened for a moment, and then relaxed, sighing sadly.

"You're not fine...are you, Chuuya...?"

"...I'm just was a hard night..."

"You're not just tired...are you, Chuuya...?"

", Dazai...I'm not..."

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