Chapter one: Say Hello to the Academy

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Step... Step... Step...

Perfect, Tooth! Now you're actually walking like a human. Nobody will notice the difference. Okay, let's continue.

Step... Step... Step...

I continued walking for about three meters, if I knew how long meters were, anyway, I walked about fifteen minutes from the coastline and ended upon this huge building. I have always seen this building during my flying sessions or while I was in a bad mood and I ran away from the kingdom. Sometimes, I see people coming from that building. Some were my age, some just a year older than me.

Step... Step... Step...

"You're not human are you?"

I have reached the front step of the building and there was a boy. He had grayish-blue hair, green eyes, and... Tribal markings on his forearms?

"I-I am, how can you say something like that?" I asked, completely flabbergasted

"Well, for starters, you're going in Burgess Academy." He answered

"What, is something wrong with that?" I asked that boy

"Everything is completely fine except Burgess Academy is a school for the children of supernatural beings. Not those superheroes or something like that, like mermaids, mythical beings, like fairies, like that." the boy answered

"Oh? Cool. Guess I fit in here." I announced

"Great, so what are you?" he asked

"I'm, uh,"

I'm the queen of the mermaids and I'm also a daughter of one of the sisters of flight from Punjam Hy Loo.

Yeah, like I'm going to say that.

"I'm a fairy."

"Wait, you're a fairy? Like, an actual fairy?"


"From Punjam Hy Loo?"


"Weird. Don't fairies have their own school or something?" he asked

"We do, but my parents don't like it when I go to ordinary fairy school." I shook my head

"Great, so are you going to Burgess Academy?"

"I think so,"

"Okay. I'm Edmund Aster Bunnymund by the way," He stuck out his hand to me

"I'm Toothiana." I shook his hand

Then we entered the building. There were a ton of people. I'm not used with these kinds of crowds.

"And this is the principal's office." He's pointed to the green door, "He's kinda weird in looks so please bear with him."

I entered the room after knocking and waiting for a response. The first thing I saw was a pair of feet. But they weren't human feet; they were of a goat's.

"You're a centaur?" I asked, completely weirded out

"Satyr dear, and you're a?"

"A fairy,"

"Funny you don't look like one." he stated

I wiggled my shoulders a bit then slowly, wings sprouted out of my back. They were a pair of pink leaf-like wings, three each side.

The principal had an astonished look on his face then he slowly trotted his way towards me and touched my very delicate wings.

"A pattern from one of the sisters of flight." He gasped

"Is that something I should be worried about?" I asked

"If you don't like attention. You're the first fairy to ever study in this academy." the principal answered

"So it's a good thing then?" He nodded, "Great!"

"You can go now. Here's a copy of the schedule of the students like you. You can start tomorrow if you'd like." I nodded, "What's your name by the way?"

"My name's Toothiana, sir."

"Well, Toothiana, welcome to Burgess Academy. We hope you enjoy your stay."

"Ugh! Get away you loser!"

"Don't mind him, he'll think of you as his admirer and pull a prank on you."

"Why don't you just leave the academy, Frost?"

"You know that the population is half water elemental, right?"

"You just shouldn't even try."

"Just STOP!"

All eyes turned towards the white-headed boy who had his turn and shouted in return, fury clear in his blue eyes.

"Leave. Before everyone gets frostbitten. You wouldn't want those pretty little tails frozen, now don't you?" He deadpanned

Everyone surrounding the boy pushed on a locker scurried away from the scene.

The boy scoffed and smirked, "Imbeciles. Do they really think I'd do that?"

"Uh, why did you do that?" A girl asked, holding her a notebook in her right hand

"I didn't, they did something to me. I'm used to it." He stared off to where the crowd had gone to then turned back at the girl, "Hey, wait, I don't even know you."

"Oh, I'm Tooth, I'm a new student."

"Are you a water elemental?"

"No, no I'm not." Tooth said hesitantly

"Then what are you?" he asked, crossing his arms

"I'm a fairy."

"Like, for real?"

"Of course for real." She sighed, "Is it that hard to believe?"

"Kinda. You don't look like one by the way." He stuck his hand out, "The name's Jack if you're even interested about me, not that anybody is."

She shook his hand, "It doesn't look like anyone isn't interested in you."

"They aren't. They're just too chicken to tell me what's wrong." He shook his head

"Well if you didn't scare them often, then they could probably tell you why."

"You know, I'll tell you what. This school is just for those mermaid losers and if you don't think that I'm thinking right, then you may as well stop talking to me."

Jack walked away from Tooth just as the bell rang.

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