Chapter two: Couldn't be that bad right?

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"Room 127-A. Room 127-A. Room 127-A. Ha! That room!"

Tooth ran towards the green door with a window in it and "127-A" was written above it. She opened the door and entered, completely unnoticed. She sat on the last empty seat by the door in front.

"Oh, it's you."

She turned towards the source of the sound and saw the boy earlier whom she had gotten into a little fight with.

"Jack! Uh, what're you doing here?" Tooth asked

"I'm one of a kind in this school, and so are you. You would think that the unique ones would go well as a part of their individuality." Jack deadpanned

So I really don't belong in this class.

"Oh, so what are you supposed to be?" Tooth asked, trying to put the subject about him

"I freeze stuff."

"Well that's a poor way of saying that you have ice based powers." Tooth smiled a bit, "You know, that's actually pretty cool."

"Funny joke." Jack stated emotionlessly

"I wasn't making a joke. I was stating the obvious." Tooth said, "Never mind, you won't even care if I tell the truth."

The bell rang once more and everyone scurried off to their seats. After a little while, a huge, bulky man with a white beard entered the room and boomed, "Good morning, class."

"Good morning, sir North." The class responded except for Tooth

"New student?" He asked, referring to Tooth

"Who me? Oh, yeah. I am."

"Now introduce yourself to class." He smiled warmly


Tooth walked towards the front of the class with a hint of uncertainty. Fortunately, there were only about fifteen students in the classroom so she didn't have to worry that much.

"Hi, uh, everybody. My name's Toothiana and I'm a fairy."

There were a few murmurs around the room.

"So, wait, your actual name is Toothiana?" a girl with cherry red hair and green eyes spoke up

"Yeah, why?"

"Here it goes." Jack muttered

A roar of laughter was heard. Only about three to four students were evidently not finding that funny. A stout and chubby guy with golden hair, Bunnymund, a girl who wore a pair of huge black glasses, and Jack.

"I don't get it, what's so funny about that?" Tooth muttered

"It's the name, birdbrain. If your parents thought of a much clever name than that then you wouldn't have that problem." Jack answered

Tooth frowned.

"I've never thought that it was possible." She whispered, "This had never happened to me."

"Class." North said in a stern tone

Everyone returned to their former act of listening attentively.

"Now I want you all be nice to Toothiana. You all know I do not tolerate naughty." He shook his head no, "Now let us start class."

"We are going to discuss about own abilities. One by one. No book, no pen, just ability." North announced and just in a split second, the whole class rejoiced

"Frost." North said, "You're up first."

Jack stood up from his seat, all eyes on him.

"See ocean over there? Make me see what you can do."

The whole class went towards the not so far away ocean, aka, Tooth's home. They stood in packs while Tooth stood on her own.

Yup, not too far and not too close to the ocean, Toothsie. That way you won't look suspicious. Tooth thought to herself

Jack stood a bit closer to the water than the others were. He closed his eyes and took a long deep breath. He opened his eyes and raised his arms and pushed wind towards the ocean. Just then, frost patterns started creeping up from the shore. In just a matter of seconds, the top of the ocean was covered in frost patterns.

"Whoa." Tooth whispered

"You really don't know much, huh fairy-girl?" Jack asked, quite amused

"Toothiana! As new student, I suggest you next." North patted the girl's back lightly

Tooth walked near the already melting frosted water.

It would be a safe bet to just simply show them my wings but they wouldn't be satisfied for sure. Tooth sighed I'll just wish Jack's frosted ocean top could hold me when I fall. Please let my two flying lessons with mom come in handy.

"Ookay." Tooth smiled nervously

Tooth wiggled her shoulders with a hint of uncertainty then slowly, a pair of pink, delicate wings, sprouted out of her back. She turned back to the class and saw the mesmerized looks on their faces.

Tooth took a deep shaky breath and slowly ascended five feet off the ground. She slowly made her way towards the ocean. Looking down, the fairy saw the frozen cover diminish as the heat struck more. With a panicked thought, Tooth quickly flew back to the shore and folded back her wings.

"Tooth. Stay after class." North stated emotionlessly

One by one, the class started showing off what they could do. One black headed girl could stand above the water, one girl with fiery red hair and blue eyes could create patterns with fire, one blonde boy could be in supersonic speed. Well, one stout chubby guy took a huge attention though. He stood there, in front of the class, telling them a story made of golden sand that shoots out of his own bare hands. Another one was a girl, with huge black glasses, hazel hair and eyes. She read each and everyone's minds, well, Tooth had a hard time concealing who she is in the water. And there was Bunnymund. He would tap his feet at the ground two times then he would fall to the ground, then jump back up in the form of a rabbit. He could also travel through his holes.


"Tooth, there is something special in you, no?" North asked

"Well, I am a fairy."

"Yes, but not just fairy," North continued

"What's special about me?" the girl asked

"You are daughter of one of sisters of flight, am I right?"

"W-well, yeah, but,"

"And the way you were scared of water is something else?"

That's it. He cornered me. And on the first day?! Nice going, Toothsie.

"How did you know?" she asked

"I once taught mermaids and they were scared of water on daily basis too." North answered, "Now, Toothiana, why is it important that you hide tail?"

"You won't believe when I say that I am the queen of the ocean." Tooth clamped her mouth

Real smooth, Tooth. Real smooth.

"Which I am certainly not." Tooth continued

"Ah so you are queen. Why are you scared?"

"I'm tired of being pampered! I'm tired of being a kid! Do you know how it feels to be trapped in your own kingdom? I can't... I don't... I just wanna be free!"

There was a moment of awkward silence.

"And free, you shall be, Toothiana." North finished, "Take time on telling people."

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