Chapter ten: The Brawl

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Event tents were all built at the sea shore. They were either the class a mermaids' tent for the competitors not yet battling or resting, the one of a kind's class tent, a lot of watching students and a few selling food, refreshments, and a group of students who had volunteered to be the first aiders.

"Jack, don't lose hope, maybe she's just late." Camille said, all of them were under their tent, keeping a fretting Jack calmed down

"Yeah, remember what she told us? She said that she will have something big going on tonight so maybe she got up late because of exhaustion last night and is on her way here." Alexander added

"Thats right, there are a lot of possibilities, Jack. You just have to believe in her." Mari said

"Just give up, guys. I knew it. She isn't going because I was a jerk to her." Jack slammed his fist on a table, "What was I thinking?!"

"Alright, losers and everyone else here, these are the rules," Scarlett started

A volunteer crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

"These are the rules to be brought by and made by the president of the volunteers, Leila." Scarlett continued

"Alright, mermaids and one of a kinds, I am the president of the volunteers, Leila Montez, and in behalf of us all, good morning. So as you all know, you are all to brawl, but seeing the number of competitors on one side and another, we decided to come up with something. Both leaders would be the first people in the water fighting, after ten minutes, we will pick a person from each team from a bowl and those people would go in the arena. If anyone on your team would like to volunteer, both teams are given three chances for volunteering. Now, if your name is called three times and you're still not showing up at the field, you cannot go in anymore and the game proceeds. For safety reasons, we advise the watchers to be five meters away from the arena. Thank you, and good luck to all." Leila explained

"This is it Jack, just remember what we did." Alexa said, "If you die, I'll bring you back to life and kill you a second time."

All of the class chuckled lightly at this.

"Now get out there and make us all proud now." Mari patted his back

"A penny for your thoughts, Jack." Camille said, "I've been reading their minds for about an hour now, and well, they were thinking about how Tooth's not around. You might want to not get affected with what Scarlett's to say."

"Thanks." Jack said to Camille

"It's the only thing I could do for the team, so, why not?" Camille responded

"Jackson Frost and Scarlett Herrington, onto the arena."

"Good luck, Jack."

"Don't get killed, okay?"

"If you ever get hurt, yell in your mind."

"We can get you out of there immediately."

"Don't hesitate to call for help."

"We'll always be there."

Jack smiled back at his group and walked towards the water. As soon as he stepped into the water, he immediately froze over his part of the arena.

"This way, you can't get me." Jack shrugged, "I guess I get a point here, huh?"

"Oh, shut up, Frost." Scarlett said then dove into the water, she raised the water a few meters up and sat in the water, completely in her mermaid form

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