Chapter 1: Fairytale

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"Y/N! Come outside your room and find some friends on the neighborhood!", my aunt yelled as I was staring blankly on the wall.

How do I introduce myself? My name's Y/N, a 6-year old kid that stayed here on my aunt's home since my mother and father divorced last month. My mother decided to let her sister take care of me just because I'm a child who barely understood everything that's happening. Two days of staying here? I want to go back to my country. To my mother's arms.

"Auntie! Please let me stay here! I don't need friends.", I screamed loudly  for my aunt to hear.

"Come on! You have to enjoy while you're young!", aunt keeps on forcing me. "There's nothing wrong with having a couple of friends. One day, someone's going to open your walls Y/N."

I went out of my room as I don't want to argue with my aunt and I want to make her happy. All I'm gonna do is to walk around right? I don't have to search for a friend.

"Careful my little girl! Don't go too far!", my aunt kissed my forehead.

I searched for a hidden place and I found myself hiding in the bushes. I'm an introvert that no one would want to be friends with.

"Wah! You think you look pretty with such big eyes? Boo! You are not!", I heard a boy's voice while his voice is being strenuous.

"Mix breed! Eww! You should be ashamed of yourself.", I peeked on the bushes to see a boy spitting on a girl covering herself on the ground.

I tried to ignore their argument by trying to force myself to sleep. How could I be so ignorant when there's a girl wailing? I stood up as they keep on bullying the girl.

"Hey! Back off!", I clenched my fist and walked towards the bullies.

"Oh! I never thought that this mix breed bought herself a body guard!", the bully smirked while the others are laughing. "Having a foreign father is a big advantage since foreigners own a lot of money."

"Hey mix breed! Are you being stupid? You bought a small bodyguard! This kid cannot fight us! This is child abuse!", another bully added.

"I said, stop bullying her!", I pushed their leader making him fall on the ground. "Don't you have anything else to do rather than bullying her?"

"Hey! How dare you push me like that!", the boy got up and cleaned himself. "Take that kid!"

The other two grasped my hand as they brought me in front of their leader making him glare at me. I need to fight. I have to fight.

"You don't know who you're messing with, kid!", the leader punched me on the stomach.

"You're the coward one! You're even asking for assistance from the other two even if I'm just a little kid and I'm alone!", I spit on his face as I kicked his groin making the two bullies let go of me as they went to their leader.

"I'm going to make you perish kid! See you again!", the two bullies assisted their leader while they walked away. "I'll have a good comeback! Remember this!"

I rolled on the ground and hugged my stomach who's still aching. I looked at the girl who's watching me with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry about me. This pain will just pass by.", I forced a smile to assure her. "What's your name?"

When I asked her name, she ran away leaving me alone. Why did she do that? That was rude. She didn't even gave me thanks. Whatever. I'll just go home without a new friend then.

Jisoo's POV

Why did that girl saved me? She's the first person who did that to me. I want to tell her my name but I'm too shy. I don't want to make friends with anyone.

"Oh! Jisoo! You're home. Eat your snacks baby!", my mother smiled pleasantly at me while I bowed at her.

"Uhh... I want to stay inside my room Mom.", I told my mom then I locked myself inside my room.

The way she saved me from the bullies, it was like a fairy godmother heard my cries. My fairy godmother gave me the one whom I needed the most. This is like a fairytale.

"Reading that fairytale again?", mom peeked through my door.

"I like this story so much Mom.", I closed my book. "I like the moral lesson of this story."

The Snow Queen is my favorite fairytale. This book was bought by my father when he went to Denmark for his work that's why many people haven't saw him staying with us making them think that I have a father who's a foreigner. The story is about how Gerda searched for Kai who was taken by the snow queen.

"Oh! My Jihyo knows about moral lessons already?", my mom hugged me. "Tell me what is that story's moral lesson then."

"If that person is really special, every effort that we make just for them is nothing as long as we're with them.", I smiled at mom.

"How sweet! Jisoo, why don't you make friends?", my mom asked me as I shook my head.

"I don't need friends.", I frowned.

"Fine. Someday, someone's gonna open the door to your heart. Someone's gonna make you feel different."

The truth is, I also want to have some friends but no one wants me to be their friend. This fairytale won't have a happy ending.


I walked inside the house as my aunt noticed that I was holding my tummy. How should I treat this?

"Y/N! What happened to you?!", my aunt rushed towards me as she let me sit on the sofa.

"My stomach's aching auntie!", I pouted.

"Why? What happened?", she treated it.

"It's nothing serious."

"Y/N, I'm going to work later. Maybe I'll come back home late.", my aunt paused for awhile. "I'm going to leave you to our neighbor. Is that okay?"

"Sure auntie.", I smiled at her.

"Did you meet some friends?", my aunt asked me as she dressed herself on her uniform.

"I don't know if she's a friend. She's weird.", I told my aunt who chuckled while she dressed me up.

"Well, come on now. I'll leave you to our neighbor.", my aunt grabbed me as she locked the door. "You have to behave inside their house Y/N."

"Promise auntie! I'll be a good kid.", I smiled at her as we walked towards the house in front of us.

"That's why I love my niece so much!", she clicked the doorbell as the front door opened.

"Oh! You're here! So this is your niece?", a woman who I think has the same age with my aunt greeted us.

"Yes, her name's Y/N. I have to go now. I'm sorry.", my aunt smiled at the woman then she kissed my cheeks. "Take care Y/N! I hope you're going to have a new friend. Goodbye!"

My aunt waved to us as she rode her car. The woman placed her hand on my shoulder making me look at her with fear. I always fear older women who's a stranger for me. I'm afraid they'll abduct me.

"Should we come inside now?", the woman smiled kindly at me.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEEEEYAAAA! DID YOU GUYS MISSED ME? I GUESS YOU DON'T BUT I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH! Now, I'm back and I'm still hoping for your continuous support! I published this story earlier than what I've told you! I hope you're going to have enough patience for this story since the first few chapters are going to be so boring. Love you all! XOXO.

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