Chapter 24: Chase the Truth

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Jisoo's POV


"Okay class, we're gonna have an activity. You are going to perform a character impersonation.", our teacher discussed. "It's just an acting. This will be your project and it is also considered to be an audition for the Junior Naver on our school festival next month."

Character impersonation? But, I'm a shy type of person. What should I act out and how could I perform well?

"Jisoo, come here now please.", Ms. Bae called me. "I'm going to assign you the character you are going to act out."

I hesitated for a moment but eventually stood up and walked slowly towards our teacher. This ain't hard, I guess?

"You are going to perform Cinderella."

"But, Ms. Bae, I'm not confident enough to perform.", I reasoned out.

"Don't worry Jisoo! I'll train you. You are just going to perform here inside the classroom. You are only surrounded by your classmates.", she smiled at me.

After dismissals, I would always go to Ms. Bae to practice. I haven't changed my attitude. I'm still the same me. I just want to improve myself.

"Are you ready to perform now Jisoo?", Ms. Bae tapped my shoulder.

"I'll do my best Ms. Bae. Thank you very much.", I stood up and performed in front of some teachers who were judges also.

"I'm so proud of you my baby.", my mom sat beside me as soon as I'm done with my performance. "I hope you'll win this!"

"But Mom! If I'm going to win this, I will perform up the stage next time! I don't want that to happen.", I pouted.

"Ms. Bae will always coach you, right? There's no need to worry then.", she comforted me.

"Please go back to your seats as we are going to announce the winner in a minute.", Ms. Bae called us.

"Fighting!", Mom motioned as she went back on her chair.

"And the winner is...", Ms. Bae paused for a moment. "Jisoo!"

"Eh?!", I yelled.

"That's my child everybody! I'm so proud of my baby!", Mom cheered.

"I'm here to train you again Jisoo.", Ms. Bae whispered to me.

This is my first time to show off myself. I cannot call this as a talent so I should call this as a skill I've developed.

The big day is here. The audiences were not just my simple grouchy classmates. The whole people in the school will witness this. I'm so nervous.

"Calm down Jisoo.", Ms. Bae gave me a water. "You chose this story, right? You chose your character, right? Then, portray it as your own! Dominate the stage!"

"I don't know Ms. Bae. This is not the same as what I have acted in the classroom.", I frowned. "I never should've entered such competition."

"There's no backing out anymore Jisoo. You trained hard for this. You went home late because of this. Are you just going to let it all go?", Ms. Bae said. "Wherever Y/N is right now, I'm sure she'll be proud of you. She'll be amazed that she have such a friend who's brave enough to show off her talent."

Mentioning Y/N made me feel the emptiness on my surroundings. What if she's here? Would she support me too? My blood pressure is rising. I'm mad at her for leaving me. At the same time, I'm also sad cause I'd want her to be here.

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