Chapter 16: Don't Have The Courage to Tell You

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"Where are you staying right now Jihyo?", I asked her as her family were already gone.

"At _____ hotel. Why?", she said.

"I'll take you there.", I told her.

"What? It's still 5 pm! I don't want to behave inside my room.", she pouted. "You have to take me somewhere. You have to treasure our moments since we will go back to Korea in 3 days."

"Are you threatening me?", I laughed at her. "So where should I take you?"

"I want to meet some of your friends!"

"What? Why would you want that?"

"I want to befriend them too."

"I'll see what I can do.", I took my phone out and messaged someone. "Wait for a moment."

Me: Lina, are you in your house? I need help.

Lina: Yes, what do you want?

Me: I'll go there to your house. I have a surprise for you.

Lina: Meh, your surprises are boring.

Me: Lina!

Lina: Fine, come over. I'll just clean the house. Bye. Lots of hate.

"Come on. I know a place where to go Ji.", I took Jihyo's hand and walked outside the mall.

"Surprise!", I yelled as Lina opened the front door.

"Haha so funny. Oh!", Lina sarcastically said. "Oh my gosh! It's Twice's Jihyo! Come here inside!"

"Oh! So you forgot that I'm still here and I'm the one who brought her here?", I said with a poker face as they all laughed.

"Then come here inside! What are you waiting for?", Lina chuckled. "Annyeong! Jihyo-san! I can't speak Korean but I can speak Japanese. I know that you know a little Japanese so is it okay for you?"

"Hai! Konnichiwa tomodachi!", Jihyo waved at Lina.

"Oh my gosh! Jihyo just called me her friend!", she slapped me while she is fan girling. "I can't believe this!"

"Yah! Stop doing that! I'll go prepare some snacks for us since you're still rolling there on the floor.", I stood up and left them.

Jihyo's POV

"So, how's Y/N as a friend?", I asked Lina out of nowhere.

"Why are you asking? Well, she's an annoying friend but is also supportive on whatever choice you're going to make.", she narrated. "Since I came from Japan, I'm a shy person and doesn't really talk much when we transferred on this country. Guess what? She's the first person who became my friend when I entered our school. She keeps on teaching me their language and because of her, I got used on my surroundings. I'm thankful that I met her. That she exists."

"Well, she never changed then.", I lowered my head and hid my warm smile.

"Eh? Did you say something?", Lina looked at me.

"Uhh. Nothing. I said that I'm also thankful that she exists. She's really a good friend that's why I want to get closer to her."

"Oh! She's fun but you won't like it if she gets mad. She's a dragon.", we laughed.

"Who's the dragon?", Y/N popped out.

"No one!", we both said together.

"Smells fishy. Anyways, welcome for the snacks.", Y/N served us some nuggets and fries.

"Stop the sarcasm. You took those out from my refrigerator. All you did was to cook.", Lina scolded Y/N.

"Fine. Thank you and welcome."

She never changed. She's the Y/N I once knew. She may not care about us for now but one day, I'll tell her everything.


Jihyo spent her last day together with me on the park. It's sad that we are going to say goodbye once again. It's sad that she's going to leave me again.

"This place is so calm. People here are minding their own business.", Jihyo looked up at a tree.

"Well, it's normal. It's our attitude to behave like that.", I joked as we laughed together.

"I'm glad that I am spending my last day here together with you Y/N.", she said with sadness on her voice. "You really are a special friend."

"Why are you being sad right now? It's not like it's our last goodbye.", I tried to cheer her up.

"How about you visit Korea after your graduation Y/N? I'll be the one to tour you there!", she grinned as she was hoping so much from me.

"I am not really sure. Of course, I would love you to tour me around Korea. If I would go there, I would have to save money. Besides, I don't know if my mom is going to let me go without her."

"Bring her together with you then. Problem solved.", she shrugged.

"I don't want to distract her. She loves her work so much and besides, after my graduation, I'll be busy since I have a summer job."

"Oh. Is that so?", she frowned. "Let's forget that. Let's go to the pond. I want to feed the fishes there."

She left me and ran to the pond. I know that she's escaping from me. I didn't know why I felt guilty that I disappoint her.

"I am wondering if the fishes know each other.", I cupped my chin. "Do you think they know each other very well?"

"Of course.", Jihyo agreed.

"How come? They all look the same. In size, in color, and any trait. They're the same species. They're not like the humans who differ in almost everything."

"There's a unique thing among them. We don't know what's that thing.", she paused and stared deeply on my eyes. "They can feel that, that is the person. They'll feel."

I was frozen when she said those words while she looked at me. The time stopped. The water rippled. The fishes swam along.

Jihyo's POV

They say that there are many fishes on the ocean. I caught a fish. It's a special fish. Ever since I caught that fish, I just let that fish go. That's not a common fish. That fish is you.

"I have to go now Y/N. My family might be waiting for me on the airport.", I said as I kept my hands on my pocket.

"Let me go with you.", she said as I nodded.

"Why would you want to go with me?", I asked her as we rode a taxi.

"I don't know. I just want to. Maybe it'll be the last time that we are going to see each other."

"What are you talking about? Don't ever say such things.", I warned her making her silent.

We arrived on the airport without talking to each other anymore. I keep on glancing at her while I'm searching for my family.

"Mom! There you are!", I approached my family.

"Oh! Y/N is also here. You can spend more time with her. We still have 5 minutes left.", she smiled at us as I went to Y/N.

Should I tell her now before bidding goodbye to her? I cannot hold back anymore. I want to tell her now about our past.

"Y/N, I have to tell you something before I leave.", I told her as she listened attentively to me. "You know that I've mentioned this before and I have to spill this out for me to be able to breathe properly."

"Sure, what is it?", she asked me as I paused for a moment.

I don't have the courage to tell you this but it's the right thing that I should do to be able to be with you again. We have to reminisce our past.

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