Popular Boys: Shane.

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Next morning
"Hey Shaaaanne" Trisha says coming out of her pink g wagon heading towards me , Dan, and Joey leaning on my car (up top). "Dan im sorry i heard what happened but she was a bit of a hoe anyways, but you have always got me " she jokes. Dan slithers a hand around her waist, pulling her playing along."That i do" he 'flirts' with her. We all walk in the school, heads turns our way same as usual .we all go to our infamous  spot

we all go to our infamous  spot

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seeing who has what with who."Hey Joey how was it to eat  'i don't like pussy' predas i ask."The little bitch sad he was at a friends but we know different" he answers with a smile.Dan suddenly stands up "which reminds me "he says starting to leave" i got to beat up that gay bitch." Soon they bell rang causing us to disperse i take a look at my schedule
1. Science
6.life lessons
"You're late mr. Yaw" Mrs.B says, does it look like i give a fuck mrs bitch i tell her. "Go sit next to Ms.Admas before you get in more trouble".Adams. That gay ass has a sister. I walk over to see a blondie writing in a notebook."Hey what ya writing-" i tried to ask before she interrupted "a book on ghosts".Turns out other Adams is cooler than that fag. Speaking of which where is that bitch, haven't seen his ass since that whole making out bull shit. But then again i don't care.

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