x; the cat out of the bag

781 28 17

mind over matter



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"Ah shit," Rebecca cursed as she spied to Hawkin's Police Department vehicle enter the premises of the laboratory. Of course her father was there and if he saw her there, her whole plan would be foiled.

Her best bet was still the sewer pipe, but she couldn't risk doing it now in case her father saw her, or anyone else for the matter, but the latter she could deal with. Shaking her head, she moved her body back down to the branch to find her way back to the ground - though she wasn't far from it.

She gently brought her foot back down to the same small bulge on the trunk when something suddenly pricked her neck, really pricked her neck. Her hand immediately went to the source of pain, causing her to lose balance and fall the rest of the way down to the ground.

She landed hard on the ground with an oof, luckily her backpack absorbed some of the force, but it still caused her to lay on the ground groaning. Her hand reached up towards her neck again, knowing something was very wrong when her hands touched a small cylindrical shape, sticking out of her neck. There was a needle sticking out of her neck.

Her first instinct was to pull the needle out and she cursed when she did so, looking at they tiny needle being held in her shaky hands. The more she looked at it, the fuzzier her vision became and she became too tired to hold the needle anymore as her vision faded to black.


"YOU HAVE A LOT OF NERVE showing up here."

A confident yet surprised voice echoed from behind the front desk of the library as Hopper, and officer Powell walked through the front door. The small woman's hair was a dark brown and tied back in a ponytail, reading glasses resting atop her nose as she stuck it out towards Hopper in a questioning manner, her eyebrows raised.

"What?" Hopper asked obviously, holding his hat in his hands and shifting on his feet uncomfortably as the two officers approached the front desk.

"You could've at least called and said, 'Marissa! Hey, it's not going to work out. Sorry I wasted your time. I'm a dick." The woman spoke fiercely and enunciated her last few words before tilting her head to the side, glaring daggers at Hopper.

"Yep." Hopper replied and pursed his lips. Officer Powell looked over at him questioningly as Marissa nodded her head, waiting for him to continue speaking.

Hopper sighed, smiling uncomfortably, "I'm sorry... Uh, maybe we could go out again next week?"

Marissa pursed her lips and glanced over at Powell who in turn looked at Hopper once again and shook his head disapprovingly which only caused the tension in the air to only get worse as Hopper dug himself deeper into a hole.

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