Chapter Two

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Third Person

          David and Jasoer were currently curled up on the couch watching the news. There was a search that was happening later to help find Max. He had now been missing for three days and no one had seen Daniel either. Suddenly the news changed from one story to an emergency alert. David perked up quickly when he heard wjat was happening. They apparently had caught Daniel but he wouldn't tell anyone where Max was.

"David, we need to go talk to him," Jasper looked at David smiling some.

"I know, we need to go now!," David jumped up. He was in pajamas and so was Jasper but they quickly ran out of the house and drove to the police station. "Where the hell is he?!," David yelled this as he got into the police station. An officer recognized him and took him and Jasper to talk to them. "I need to talk to him! I need my son back!," David was a mess, he was sobbing at this point.

"I'm right here," Daniel walked in the room wearing handcuffs. The officer left the room but stood at a window to make sure that Daniel didn't try anything.

"What the hell did you do with him?! Is he okay?!," David cried even harder and Jasper held him close. Daniel's face dropped.

"Why are you crying? I-I thought I did something good for you...I thought I was taking away a problem in your life," Daniel looked genuinely confused.

"No!! You made a bigger fucking problem Daniel!! You took my son away from me!," David was screaming.

"But..his autism...didn't he just get in the way?," Daniel looked pained.

"Well, yes he did! But not in a bad way, Daniel," David had his head down on the table. No tears were left to cry. He just wanted to cuddle with his boy and tell him that everything was going to be okay. He wanted to have his son tell him about all the amazing things that he learned. Max was a very smart kid and he loved to share everything he learned. "I just want him back..," David slowly lifted his head to look at Daniel. "Give him back Daniel," David glared at the blonde.

"F-Fine, I can do that, just don't blame me when he hurts you or he does something fucked up because he is mentally fucking retarded and you can not fix that David!!! Nobody can! No matter how hard you try!," Daniel glared right back at David.

"You are one fucked up guy, you know  that," Jasper joined in the conversation. He got up and carried David out of the room. At least now someone would be able to get Max back.

((Sorry it's short, I have plans for the next chapter))

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