Chapter Ten

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((Sooo, changing Jake's height, he is now 5'6))

Turns out that Jake and Jasper got along great and today was moving day for Jake. Max had already been back home for a few weeks and he was very excited to help Jake move in. The boy was having a hard time at home though, he started throwing tantrums again, David was hoping that when Jake moved in that Max would stop again. A truck pulled up in front of the house house, Max ran outside, he was only wearing underwear. Jake stepped out of the truck and picked up Max.

"You ever heard of clothes boy? I think that you should wear em'," Jake chuckled and took the boy inside.

"I know, but I don't wanna wear them!," Max pouted and laid against Jake.

"Well then, I guess you just wont help then," Jake sat the boy down on the couch.

"No!! I wanna help! I wanna help!," Max started screaming and kicking. Jake went to Max's room and came back with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

"Stop kicking, you can help if you put these on," Jake crouched in front of Max and held out the clothes. Max screamed loud and David rushed into the room. He went over to Max and picked him up.

"Hey, lets be good now, Jasper is trying to sleep," David rubbed Max's back and kissed his head.
"How about we take a nap?," David carried Max back to his room. Max was quick to go back to sleep. David walked back out to the living room sighing. Jake chuckled and opened his arms, David was quick to hug him.

"Max is starting to throw tantrums I see," Jake ran a hand through David's hair. David nodded some and sighed, he was pretty stressed out.

"Yes, and I am so glad that you're here because I can not take toys away, I feel so bad!," David whined and hugged Jake. Jasper made his away into the room, he looked tired and he was only in boxers.

"Why is everybody so loud?," Jasper grumbled and walked over to them. He plopped himself onto the couch and closed his eyes.
"I am very tired," Jasper yawned.

"I'm sorry Jasper, Max was throwing a tantrum again and I had to put him down for a nap already," David walked over to the other man and sat in his lap. He kissed him quickly and smiled.

"Hey, I wanna get hugs too!," Jake quickly joined in and snuggled in between the two.

"This works, Jasper is the biggest, I'm the tallest, and Jake is the shortest and smallest, which is adorable," David smiled happily.

"DAAVIID!," Max screamed, then there was a loud thud, then cries. David quickly ran upstairs, he came back with Max who was screaming and crying.

"He fell and hit his head on the bedframe," David sighed and rubbed the boys back.

"Oh dear," Jake walked over and took Max from David. He whispered calming things to him until he was smiling again.

"I wanna go help now," Max pointed to the door.

"Right, clothes then," Jake chuckled. Max glared at him before slowly nodding.

"Fine, meany," Max punched him.

"Max! Do not hit people!," David crossed his arms.

"Davey, it's fine, it doesn't hurt when he hits," Jake laughed some and ruffled Max's hair. Max tried to bite his hand, he just bit the air. Jasper had fallen asleep on the couch.


"So, Max, are you okay with Jake moving in with us?," David smiled some at Max. Max was just sitting at a small table playing with a lego helicopter and a hot wheels car. He looked at David and then back his toys. David took this as a yes. After a few minutes of just watching tv, Jake walked in the house holding a large box. He sighed and set it on the couch before looking at Max and smiling.

"Max, I got something for you," Jake opened the box and Max ran over, David was pretty confused. Jake pulled out some dresses and Max grinned, David was even more confused.

"Wait, why did you get dresses?," David looked at Jake. Jake was now confused.

"Didn't he tell you?," Jake sat down as Max changed into a blue dress. David shook his head no, Max grinned and ran back over to the table. He happily sat down at the table and continued playing with his toys.
"Well, he told be that he wanted to wear dresses, I promised him that I would buy him some when he was at the school but I never got to it so I finally decided to go and buy some," Jake explained. David just nodded and smiled some, he was just happy that Max was happy. Max chucked a hot wheels car at them and it landed in the box.

"OHHH YEAAAA!," Max grinned and clapped. David laughed some.

"Okay Koolaid Boy, I think it's medicine time," David walked over and picked up Max.

"No, nasty!," Max slapped David, he whined and wrapped his arms around David's neck.

"No hitting, I know that it is gross but it's important, alright?," David smiled some at Max. Max simply nodded and layed his head on David's shoulder. David poked Max's stomach making him giggle.
"I love you buddy," David kissed the boys cheek and chuckled. Max gave him a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. David set Max on the counter and got his medicine. Max went over to the stove and turned it on before going back to where he was sitting before. David didn't notice. Once he finished fighting with Max about his medicine, Max was just sitting on the counter. David was putting away the medicine, Max decided to go back over to the stove and set his hand on it. As soon as he did he regretted it and started screaming and crying. David ran over and picked him up, he turned off the stove as well.
"Max! Are you okay?," David ran Max's hand under cold water. Jake came in and distracted Max by letting him watch youtube on his phone. David wrapped Max's hand up with bandages. Max was still crying but he was distracted by the phone.

((Okay, so I got an idea for next chapter, it's gonna be like a month timeskip))

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