Chapter Eleven

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"Okay, Max, how about your presentation?," The teacher asked. David let Max go to a normal schools. Max grinned happily and ran to the front of the room. Some kids whispered about him, he was allowed to go to normal classes so the other kids would some times make fun of him sometimes, he just thought they were being funny. Max pointed at his paper happily. The paper had a drawing of four people on it.

"This is my family! There's David, Jasper, Jake, and me! Jasper is like a mommy to me, he is real nice and helps me with homework! Jake is kind of new, he helps when I get angry or upset! And David, don't tell Jasper or Jake, but he is my favorite!," Max walked around and showed everyone his picture before going back to the front of the room.
"So! My hero is David! David has been there since I lived with my mommy who was very, very mean and she gave me away because she said I was retarded," Max didn't know what that word meant.
"David took me from her and now I live with him, and Jasper, and Jake. David is always trying to help and he has really fluffy hair and he takes me out to the park! David also loves Jasper, Jake and me a lot and he tries to do everything he can for us! A lot of the time he don't think I know how much he does, but I do and I try to help him too! But anyway! David is my hero and I love him lots," Max handed the teacher his paper and climbed onto his desk before jumping onto his chair. He happily started doodling on some papers.


"Max, remember to go to the nurse so she can give you your medicine," A teacher told Max. Max just gave a thumbs up. He was in his last class of the day. Max jumped from his seat and ran to the nurses office. The nurse smiled when she saw him, he was usually very sweet. Max waved happily and walked over.

"Hello Max, are you ready for your medicine," The nurse was already grabbing his bottle of pills from one of her drawer. Max nodded quickly and grabbed a plastic cup. He filled it up with water and sat in a chair swinging his feet. She handed him the pills and he quickly took them. Max threw the cup at her.
"Don't throw things Max, I've told you this before," She threw the cup away.
Max just shrugged and went back to class.


"Max! I missed you!," David grinned as Max ran into his arms.
"Your teacher said you did very good today, you presented in front of the class and everything," David picked up Max and kissed his cheek.

"Yep! I did good!," Max giggled.
"I show my picture to everyone!," Max grinned. David nodded and gave him a high five.

"Jasper and Jake will be so proud of you! You got up in front of everybody!," David grinned. Max nodded and laid his head on David's shoulder.

"Tired, school makes tired," Max yawned and punched David.

"No hitting," David knew he didn't mean to hurt him. Max simply nodded and stuck his tongue out.
"When we get home you can have a nap time, alright?" David smiled some as Max just simply nodded again.


Jake smiled as David walked in with a sleeping Max. Jasper was at work..again. Jake quickly walked over and gave David a quick kiss on the cheek.

David quickly carried Max up to his room and laid him in bed, covering him with a big heavy blanket. After he covered the boy up, he went back down to the living room and laid down on the couch, putting his head on Jake's lap.

"He said that I was his hero today in class" David looked up at Jake and smiled. Jake chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, that would make sense, with every thing you've done for him how could you not be?" He ran his hand through David's hair and smiles.


Max came running down the stairs, dragging Mr.HoneyNuts behind him. David quickly turned around from his spot in the kitchen and picked Max up as he ran at him.

"What is it my handsome prince?!" David smiled and spun Max around. Max giggled and stuck his tongue out.

"Mr.HoneyNuts say playtime"

(I never posted this, I guess I forgot? I don't know, I'm sorry)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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