Chapter Seven

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"David! The tv gone off," Max whined and crawled into David's lap.

"Max, don't yell, I'm sure it's just a small power outage," David held Max and walked over to his phone. He called a neighbor and asked them and it was indeed a power outage. Max whined and hit himself against David. "Hey, do not do that, it should come back on soon," David sighed.

"I wanna watch SpongeBob!!," Max screamed as loud as he could and slammed against David again.

"Stop it!!," David glared some hit Max's butt gently. "We do not scream and we do not hit!," David kept a stern voice.

"I WANNA WATCH CARTOONS, FUCK YOU!!," Max started punching David.

"No! We do not use bad words!!," David smacked Max's butt again but a little harder. "I am not afraid to spank you Max," David set Max down. Max punched even harder.

         David was now holding Max close. Max cried loudly and nuzzled into David.

"I won't do that again if you don't hit me again," David rubbed Max's back. He regretted spanking Max but he was trying anything to make Max stop hitting people.

"I didn't like that!!," Max shoved his face into David's shirt and cried. David rubbed his back and sighed, he hated doing that to Max. The power suddenly went back on and Max gasped as he looked around and the tv turned on showing the show Steven Universe. David smiled some as Max repositioned himself so that he could watch the tv.

"I love you so much Maxxy," David kissed the top of the boys head.

"Shh, fuck you," Max leaned on David smiling.

"We don't use bad words," David sighed and Max just nodded some. They sat like this for a while, Max liked cuddling and having warmth while David enjoyed having Max with him, just calm and content while watching cartoons.

"Daddy, I wanna play toys," Max looked up at David smiling. David quickly nodded, he loved when Max called him that. He went to go get Max's big box of toys making the boy clap in joy. "Trains!," Max dug into the box and pulled out a toy train. The train had letters and numbers on it; Max handed it to David. David smiled and pressed a button making the train start counting. Max grinned and started counting along. David then pointed to numbers and had Max say them. "Eight!," Max grinned.

"Close buddy, that's nine," David smiled as Max nodded and repeated what David said.

"That's worth noting," Max giggled. David nodded, he then got an idea.

"Max, I'll be right back, I'm gonna run to the kitchen really quick," David got up and Max nodded. The man left to go to the kitchen and returned with a pudding cup. "So buddy, everytime you answer a question correct, you get pudding, sound simple enough?," David laughed as Max's face lit up.

"Yea! I wants more pudding!," Max grinned. David sat down in front of the boy and opened the pudding cup.

"First question," David pointed at a coloured block, it was coloured red but it said blue on it. "What colour is this block," David smiled as Max stared at the block for a second.

"Red?," Max tilted his head like a confused puppy. David beamed and nodded quickly, he thought he was a good teacher.

"Yea buddy, that's it!," David gave Max some pudding. This went on for about twenty minutes before Jasper came home and found the two on the floor cuddling. He laughed some at this.

"What did I miss," Jasper kicked off his shoes and walked over. David looked at a sleeping Max before slowly getting up and walking with Jasper to their room.

"He did so well today, he only had one fit, that's an improvement Jasper," David was ecstatic. Jasper smiled and nodded.

"That is, maybe we might have a chance before we make the big decision," Jasper sounded upset.

"Yeah- I forgot about that,"

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