Chapter Four

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"Max! Put it down!!," Jasper ran after Max who was holding tightly onto a bird. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to take him to see birds.

"No!! Fuck you," Max giggled but quickly stopped and screamed. The bird had bit him and he was bleeding. Luckily it wasn't a very big bird so it didn't hurt him to bad. Max dropped the bird and ran to Jasper. "IT BIT MEEE!!," Max cried out loudly.

"Max, baby, calm down, we'll go home and David can help you put a bandaid on that, I don't have any bandaids," Jasper picked up Max and kissed around where he got bit.

"I have a boo hurts!!," Max started screaming and hitting Jasper but he just calmly took Max to the car and took him out to the car. When they got there Jasper swatted Max on the but, not enough to hurt him, just startle him.

"No.Hitting," Jasper glared some. Max just nodded some and calmed down. Jasper drove them home. When they got there, David got Max out of the car and saw his hand.

"Max! What happened!," David quickly brought the boy inside to patch up his hand. When they were done, Max was looking uncomfortable. "Hey, what's wrong?," David frowned some. Max just looked at him and punched him. David quickly grabbed his hand. "No hitting, that's bad," David watched as Max quickly started screaming loudly. Jasper ran in but David quickly stopped him. David carried Max to his room and set him on his bed. "Don't hit or break anything, you can come out when you're ready," David sighed and walked out of the room. Max kept screaming which eventually turned into crying.

"Daaddyy!!," Max screamed for David. He only called David daddy when he was really upset or trying to suck up. Right now, he was very, very upset. David quickly ran into the room and saw Max lying on the floor just rolling around. David smiled some and sat in his way. Max hit David when he rolled towards him then looked up at him. He had somehow managed to calm himself down and gave a big smile.

"Is Max being silly again?," David chuckled some as Max stuck his tongue out at him.

"No, Daddy is being silly, Max wanna play," Max got up and walked over to a drawer and opened it. Inside was a few toy cars. Max pulled them out and handed one to David. "We're gonna play, like mommy used to do before she got mean," Max smiled happily as he took a toy fire trucks and crawled across the floor with it. "Before mommy got mean, before mommy got mean," Max stopped playing and looked down at the floor. "Mommy was mean," He looked up at David and then ran at him. He tackled David into a big hug and giggled. "But I got David and Jasper now, they keep me safe, safe!," Max laughed loudly. David smiled and hugged him.

"Yeah, David and Jasper will keep you safe buddy," David smiled some. Max climbed off of David and put his cars back into the drawer.

"When does Max get to go see mommy again?," Max looked around his room and grabbed a peice of chalk. He grabbed his chalk bored and smiled happily.

"Hmm..about another week, then Max can go see mommy, now, how about you write down the alphabet for me," David chuckled as Max grinned and started writing. Once he was done he showed David and gave him a high five.

"Hey! Dinners done!," Jasper yelled this from the kitchen. David picked up Max and kissed his cheek.

"I want pizza!," Max grinned and David signed. He knew that they weren't having pizza so this was going to be a struggle.

"Max, we aren't having pizza tonight," David sighed as Max just punched him. David sat Max in his chair and smiled some. Jasper put a bowl of spaghetti in front of Max. Max glared at the bowl and pushed it away.

"No!," Max slammed his hands on the table. Jasper got some spaghetti on a fork and put it in front of Max.

"Come on, if you eat it I'll let you get some new toy cars," Jasper smiled some as Max quickly nodded and ate it.

"Toy store!!,"

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