Chapter Three

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Third Person

"Max!!," David grinned and ran over to Max and hugged him tightly. Max just smiled and hugged back, nothing had been done to him physically but mentally they had done a lot. They had killed someone right in front of him as a punishment for acting out.

"Hi! I missed you guys lots!," Max smiled, he was happy that he finally got to see David and Jasper again. It had been almost a full week since they had last seen eachother. Jasper was currently at home cleaning up the house. "I wanna go home, I don't wanna be here anymore," Max was clinging to David. David picked up the small boy and nodded.

"Yea, we can go home now," David kissed Max's cheek and smiled some. Daniel had been put in jail and had apparently done multiple things to multiple other people. He had killed many people so he could possibly be getting life in prison. David and Jasper were both very happy about this. When David and Max got home, Max ran straight inside to see Jasper.

"Jasper!!," Max ran over and tightly hugged him. Jasper chuckled and picked him up, hugging him tightly. Max was as hyper as ever. He had already completely forgotten everything that had happened.

         Two hours after Max had gotten home he started having what David called an episode. He slammed himself into the couch and screamed as loud as he could. Jasper was quick to catch on to what was happening and tried to help him calm down. He got Max to sit down on the floor and held him close.

"Max, calm down," David was now sitting in front of the boy. Max started kicking and punching David as hard as he could. David was used to this so he just watched Max. "Calm.down," David held onto the boys hands. Max slammed his head onto David and screamed more. These were normal things to David and Jasper. They couldn't really imagine their life being any other way. They now had Max laid down on the floor. "Just breath, stop hitting and just breath," David smiled some as Max took deep breaths and calmed down.

"Sorry," Max whined some and pat David's knee making the tall man laugh some. Max stood up and hugged David then Jasper. This is what he did after he had tantrums. Jasper went upstairs then came back down with crayons and a colouring book. When Max saw this, he lit up with joy. He ran over to the table and climbed up onto a chair as Jasper set down the colouring supplies. Max opened up the book and grabbed a red crayon then started filling in a picture of a dragon. He was more just scribbling all over the paper but it was fun for him. David sighed and went into the kitchen to start maming dinner as Jasper coloured in a picture with Max.  "Mine looks better!," Max giggled and showed his picture to Jasper who just nodded.

"Yep, way better than mine," Jasper kissed Max on the nose. Max smiled happily and got off of his chair to go show David the picture. The boy ran into the kitchen holding out his picture happily. David looked down to him and crouched.

"This should go on the fridge," David chuckled some as Max's face lit up once again. Max grinned and handed David the coloured peice of paper.

"I'm gonna make a picture of David, Jasper, and me!," Max ran back to his chair and climbed onto it. Jasper handed him a notebook with blank sheets of paper. The fluffy haired boy drew three people onto the paper then ran to show David. When David saw it his eyes widen.

"Max, that's really good!," David held it up and showed Jasper who smiled happily.

"I think Max may just be an artist," Jasper got up and picked up Max then kissed him all over his facs.

"I'm an artist!!,"

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