The Restricted Section

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Remus wandered to the Library and easily unlocked the gate guarding the restricted section to the Hogwarts' Library. He meandered all the way to the back where the reference area was and headed over to the old news papers and periodicals looking for information regarding the death of James and Lily Potter. He searched for an hour when he heard Madam Pince heading in his direction. He turned his head and stared into her eyes.

"Excuse me, students aren't allowed...Oh my..."

"Good morning," Remus said as the witch ventured closer. "No, I'm not a dream or an illusion," he said. "I'm really me."

"Remus? Remus Lupin? What happened to you?"

"A time turner happened to me," he replied as he returned his attention to the news paper, still trying to glean any news about his friends.

"What are you doing?"

"Doing what I do best, Madam...research."

She stood next to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "You know that I can't allow you to do that," she said in a whisper.

Remus grinned and looked up into her brown eyes. "Tell them I hexed you."

She snorted quietly. "Oh please..."

Then he finally found the paper he was looking for: The Daily Prophet, afternoon edition 3 November, 1981...Sirius' face was plastered all over the front page...

"What the hell..." he whispered as he shook his head. "No!"

Madam Pince pulled the paper from his grasp. "That's enough! I can't allow you to see any more!"

"But, what if I can stop...

She shook her head and brandished her wand as he held up his hands. "Obliviate..."

Two seconds later, Remus was on the floor in a convulsive fit and she ran out of the library to get help.

No one noticed Hermione sitting just outside the restricted section with her nose in a book.


Remus woke up in the hospital ward with his aged father sitting beside him, holding his hand. "Dad...?"

Lyall Lupin smiled warmly at his son. "Hello Son," he said gently.

"What happened? I feel like hell..."

"Well, you've looked worse, believe me."

"Thanks. I think?"

"When did you get here?"


The elder Lupin nodded. "Hmm..."

"So, you've come to fetch me then?"

Lyall shook his head. "No. While I'd love nothing more than to have you home with me have to return to your time. Your proper time."

"What happened to me?"

"You were oblivitated. I reckon that Madam Pince felt the risk was worth it? And you didn't arrive yesterday. You arrived twenty-six day ago. If you'll look, you're hooked up to a muggle contraption called an IV ringer. Madam Pomfrey has administered a potion to you along with fluids..."

Remus' eyes widened. "The moon..."

Lyall nodded and placed his hand on his son's shoulders quietly suggesting that his son shouldn't move. "You've already had your transformation."

"Oh god...Did I...hurt...anyone?"

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