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Hermione lay as still as death on the bed; her school uniform had been removed and she'd been placed in a hospital gown, as had Remus. What ever had happened to them, might be spread to the school's population and for that reason, it was necessary that they be quarantined.

Padfoot heard Snape's voice and rolled his eyes as he yawned and materialized beneath the bed. Sirius' nimble finger's worked quickly untying the man's shoe laces and he had to use his wand to lengthen them. But then he heard the concerned voices of the adults above him and he rolled his eyes when he realized that he too was concerned...more so than he hated Snape. He'd tie his laces together another time...

Remus sat up cross-legged facing the girl he fancied as he was interrogated by the Potions Master.

"You kissed her..."


Snape rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Did it not occur to that brilliant mind of yours Lupin...OWW!"

"You'll get more of the same if you don't shut that hole in your face," Sirius warned as he returned his wand to it's sheath.

"BLACK!" Severus Snape bent on one knee and looked beneath the bed. "What the hell are you doing here! Why...I ought to..."

Professor Lupin cleared his throat. "Severus please..."

Snape stood and regained his professional demeanor with a huff and looked to the young Lycan staring forlornly at the girl laying unconscious on the bed next to his. Then he looked to his peer standing next to him. He huffed again and moved past him and walked quickly toward the exit.

The adults remaining stared at one another in disbelief and Sirius went after him only to watch him trip on the loosened laces of his shoes. Severus rolled over quickly to see Sirius Black standing over him from the flat of his back with his hand extended and a wide grin on his face. Snape slapped his hand away and scrambled to his feet. Out of the corner, he saw Harry Potter sitting in a chair along with Ginny as he held her hand in his; he could tell that the girl had been crying. Leaning against the wall, was Weasley. Severus sighed wearily and approached them. "Potter, what are you all doing here?"

"Well, Professor Lupin asked me to fetch something for him."

"And that would be..."

"Well, erm..."

"Well, spit it out Potter! I don't have all day!"

Harry thrust his father's cloak of invisibility toward him, exasperated.

"Your father's cloak? Why would he...ahh yes." Snape turned his head toward Professor Lupin and he nodded. Lupin advanced quickly and smiled as he took the cloak from Harry and placed an engorgio spell on it so that it would cover him head to toe. Together, Professors Lupin and Snape exited the hospital wing. The students were accustomed to giving the sullen Professor wide berth allowing Lupin to follow him effortlessly.

When they reached the library, the book was still on the floor and on the floor surrounding it, was a shimmery white powder. Remus removed the cloak and knelt down. "Want to take a bet, Severus?"



Snape nodded once and watched as Remus licked his thumb and opened the book, then allowed his thumb to collect the dusted aconite that still remained on the pages and tasted the powder. Lupin nodded as he allowed himself to rock back on his rear.

Lupin spit into a handkerchief. "It's pure."

"Do you require assistance standing," Snape asked quietly.

"I think I can manage," Lupin said quietly.

Still, Snape latched onto Lupin's arm and hoisted the taller man to his feet then quickly removed his wand to cast lumos. He looked into the Lycan's eyes. "Are you...high?"

Lupin giggled. "A bit."

Snape sighed heavily. "This substance is like catnip to a lycan."

"I'm aware of that," Lupin whispered quietly.

"Well at least we know what to do to help those students."

"Thank you, Severus," Lupin said.

"You're welcome Remus. Can you see at all?"

"Not really..."

Severus sighed and nodded. He levitated the book and wrapped it into a enlarged handkerchief and placed it into a transfigured pocket of his robes. "Come on, I'll help you back"

"The other students," Lupin drawled.

"You're still a colleague. Leave them to me."


Remus remained oh his bed nearly in tears, convinced that he'd killed the only girl that he'd had real feelings for. He wondered why he didn't feel terribly bad, especially after having heaved up the contents of his stomach prior. His stomach pained him a bit and he felt numb and then he realized that felt like he'd just smoked an entire joint by himself on an empty stomach, having done exactly that on many occasions, the day before the full moon whilst at home. He was hungry and quite randy and was feeling guilty for feeling the way he did, especially since he was convinced that his Mione was near death.

Soon, Sirius helped Professor Lupin to the bed on the other side of Remus. "What's wrong with him," Remus asked as a single tear streaked down his face.

Sirius shook his head. "I don't know," he said quietly.

Snape had left just as quickly as he returned and was gone for a half hour. He returned with a phial of a white liquid and walked into Poppy's office. They returned with a set of tubes and a large syringe. Severus standing over Hermione when her parents arrived and stood at the foot of her bed in shock and overcome with worry.

Poppy explained that the Potions Master had prepared an antidote and had to administer it quickly. Sirius waved Harry over to fetch chairs for her parents while they waited for the antidote to be administered and take effect. The curtains were closed and about ten minutes later, Snape emerged and stood before the Grangers.

"Miss Granger has been administered a tincture of digitalis and sodium borat. I expect to see results within the hour. Her condition will be monitored tightly. If you'll excuse me, I have some investigations to carry out."

"You gave borax to my daughter, Professor?"

"Yes, madam. She, and another student as well as Professor Lupin are suffering from aconite poisoning. She is in far worse shape than Lupin and...the other student. Suffice it to say, I believe this incident to be nefarious in nature. I will let you know my findings. Good afternoon."

"But Professor...."

"I must make haste!"

"Please Sir! Do you require assistance!"

Snape stopped in his tracks and turned around and Sirius watched his face soften as he approached her parents. "Thank you Doctor, but no. I think your presence would be better served here with your daughter. I will let you know what I find." He smiled at the Grangers reassuringly and took his leave of them.

Sirius nodded as he smiled, completely surprised by the man's sensitivity as he watched the Potions Master's robes billowing behind him like a large dangerous bat, searching for prey.

Sirius quickly edged up to Harry and requested the invisibility cloak and followed Snape.

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