Snape's Tutelage

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Remus knocked on the door to Snape's office to find the Professor in a pair of nice trousers, a crisp white button-up and a long smoker's jacket. "If you don't mind, I think we'll be more comfortable in my quarters. It's far warmer in there anyway."

"Warmer is good."

Severus nodded. "It's agreed then. Follow me?"

The Professor led him down the corridor to a door and he produced a key and unlocked the door. He walked in and ushered Remus in the door. "There is a table and chairs along the far wall. Have a seat."

"Thank you," Remus said. He inhaled deeply and smelled the vanilla scent of books, leather and wood. He looked around the room and was surprised how comfortable it seemed...there were shelves lined with books along three walls and a grand fireplace at the other end. There was a pair of comfortable-looking  plushy wing back chairs before it. Between them was a small table with an empty vase situated precisely in the center of the small wooden table. There were lamps everywhere for ample ambient lighting. Severus returned with a tea service along with muffins and other confections. The porcelain tea pot and two cups were of a matching set. The only thing missing was windows...but one can't have windows in the basement of an ancient castle, can they? "Love what you've done with the place, Sev," Remus joked.

"Careful," Severus joked with sillted eyes. "Do you honestly take your tea plain?"

Remus chuckled and shook his head. "No, a splash of milk and some sugar is fine, thank you."

"What! No Veritaserum? I can go fetch some...will only take a moment..."

Remus held up his hands and chuckled. "No, that's quite alright. I think we're past the need for that now, don't you think?"

Severus nodded. "I do. I did however, take the liberty of bringing over your blankie. You know, for just in case?"

"How thoughtful! Thank you, Severus!"

"You're welcome, I'm sure." He poured the tea and added the requested accompaniments. "Was that splashy enough for you?"

"Perfect, thank you."

"Well, I'm not a potions master for nothing," he replied as he placed the cup and saucer before his guest. He'd caught Remus eyeing up his personal library and chuckled as he nodded. "Go ahead and take a look. I know you want to."


Severus nodded. "Yes. Go on. Please?"

"Thank you..." Remus rose to find all manner of books lining the shelves and was giddy to find that not all were books relating to magic. He was impressed that Severus Snape appeared to be well-read.

"Severus I'm impressed, truly! I am! What's your favorite book? Is it here?"

"Actually no. It's not on the shelves any longer. It's in my vault at Gringotts."

Remus smiled and nodded, still expecting to learn of the title and Severus sighed.

"The title Lupin, is Pride and Prejudice.

"By Jane Austen, yes. It was my Mum's absolute favorite book of all time. It was Lily's favorite as well."

Severus' eyes winced slightly at the mere mention of her name and he nodded. "It is her copy that I possess."

"Is this why you're helping me? If I am successful in preventing any of these catastrophes that have happened for your past, Lily might still remain alive?"

"I loved her."

"You had a funny way of showing it, calling her a mudblood."

"I curse that day."

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