Morning Has Broken

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Remus got very little sleep, thinking of what might have been had they not been interrupted. He loved the feel of her, her scent, the fact that she was so giving of herself to him...he was so close, so close he could almost taste her...

He heard his dorm mate's alarm and threw the blankets off and sat up with an unsatisfied sigh. Then he yawned and stretched. He moved to stand up and misjudged the distance of the canopy, hitting the back of his head. He yowled with pain as he returned to the bed again, holding his hands in his head as he bent forward. "Damn it!"

"Alright there Lupin," the boy asked sleepily.

"Peachy," he growled.

"Perhaps you should go back to sleep. It's just half six and I only set my alarm because I've a breakfast date and didn't want to be late..."

Remus breathed in deeply and eyed the boy who was not five feet away. "I don't think I've been to sleep yet."

"Aww man, I'm sorry. Late night?"

They listened to the snores of the other boys in the large room.

Remus nodded. "Yeah."

The boy sighed. "I really am sorry, mate."

Remus shrugged his shoulders as he continued to rub at the back of his head. "It's alright. You'd better get a move on. Don't want to be late, yeah?"

"Right. What's say I buy you a Butterbeer later on?"

Remus smiled and nodded. "Cool. Thanks."

Remus returned his head to his pillow and closed his eyes, listening to the pounding of his pulse in his ears again.

Remus woke up to his erection being nursed. His eyes fluttered and he closed his eyes. Then he heard the deep hum of a male voice. He sat up abruptly to find someone with long dark hair between his legs.

"Sirius? Is that you?"

He lifted his head. "Who the hell else would it be?"


The boy stared up a him with a myriad look of confusion and hurt. "Are you seeing someone else besides me?"

"You told me to...This is a dream. It's got to be."

The boy scooted up his body and positioned himself to receive Remus causing him to gasp. "Hey, you're not allowed to literally earn your nickname."

"And what nickname is that?"

"You know, Loony, Loopy..."

"Oh. That nickname."

Sirius smiled as he rode Remus and nodded. "Uh huh."

Remus closed his eyes. "I'm just gonna go with it..."

"Go with what?"

He opened his eyes again and saw Hermione straddling him, her nubile body writing with pleasure. He licked his lips, closed his eyes and moaned. "Oohh...I'm really liking this dream."

"But it's time to wake up. You're going to miss breakfast."

His hand moved to the side to feel someone sitting on the edge of his bed. Remus' eyes opened instantly. The sun was high into the sky, shining through the window and he could see the halo of Hermione's hair surrounding her head.

"Did you get into trouble?"

He reached down to insure that he was covered and looked toward his legs, the tented material slowly lowering. He shook his head.

She smiled. "Having a good dream then?"

He nodded and grinned unashamedly. "Uh huh."

"Hope it was about me..."

He sat up, the blanket falling to his waist. His grin growing wider, he nodded his head and moved closer for a kiss. "Uh huh."

She giggled and kissed him. "Good. Come on now, get up--"

"I was..."

She rolled her eyes. "I'll be downstairs in the common room. Hurry. There's pancakes and sausages awaiting to be devoured."

His body fell back to the bed chuckling. "As you wish."

She leaned over, and kissed his brow. "See you in a few?"

"Do I have time for a shower?"

She looked toward the wind up clock on the small table beside his neighbor's bedside.

"Not really."

"Damn. Alright. I'll be downstairs directly then."

She nodded and turned to leave only to stop and turn around. "Were you really dreaming about me?"

He smiled as he hoisted himself up on his elbows and nodded. "Yes."

Her smiled grew and she giggled, turned and left the room.

"Felt real though," he said to himself. "Oh well." He threw off the blanket and ducked his head as his feet hit the floor and stood to stretch.


Remus and Hermione entered the Great Hall together to find that most of the student body had already eaten breakfast and the only people there were the late sleepers and the Prefects who were on duty the night before. He eyed Malfoy who was leaning on his elbow, looking like he was still asleep and called out to him.

"Oiy Malfoy!"

Draco opened one eye and then the other and looked to where the voice was coming from.

"What Lupin..."

"Your shoulder...did you get it looked at?"

He nodded. "Yeah. The dart barely broke the skin, but I've a healthy bruise though."

"Better a bruise than the alternative, right?"

Draco's eyes widened. "Right."

Remus smiled and took his place to Hermione's left and helped himself to a fresh stack of pancakes. Hermione handed him a plate of sausages after having taken four, exclaiming that she was starving. He looked at her tiny stack of three pancakes and then looked to his stack of six and chuckled. She handed him the pewter pitcher of syrup and he poured the thick liquid onto the stack, watching the amber color ooze and flow down the edges of the pancakes.

"This is going to be so good..." He sliced the stack with his fork and then made another cut, then stuffed his mouth full. "Ooof mah goth, yeth...thith ith tho gooth..."

Hermione laughed out loud and did the same with her stack of three. "Yeth ith ish, mmm."

He washed his food down with a sip of hot coffee. "Ohhhh yeah...." He stuffed his mouth again. "Thorry abouth mah mannerth...I'm stharvingth..."

She sipped on her coffee. "It's alright. I'm hungry too."

Between bites, he looked at her. "What do you want to do today?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I've no idea. I do have a test that I have to study for though. Perhaps tomorrow, you can drill me?"

His hazel eyes seared into her brown eyes. "You said, drill..."

She swatted his shoulder and shook her head as she eyed her half empty plate. "I swear..."

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