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Remus didn't sleep very well, his dreams were mostly about Sirius, his stay in Azkaban, the dementors plaguing him; even though neither man spoke of it, he was aware of the creatures and what they did to prisoners. Upon waking, he vowed that he'd go visit Sirius the first chance he got.

Poppy roused him with a large breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes and toast with juice and coffee to wash it down and he beamed his thanks. He dressed in clothes that once again, he didn't recognize. The shoes were high-value trainers and the shirt was top quality as well as the pullover jumper and he felt a small coin purse in the pocket of the dark indigo jeans. There was a heavy coat as well.


"How do I look, Poppy?"

She looked up from her desk. "Going somewhere?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Remus, you know very well that you cannot leave here. If people were to see you..."

"Ever heard of a thing called polyjuice, Poppy? I hear it's all the rage..."

She shook her head. "You know that I can't let you do that."

"Of course you can. I'm a desperate man, Poppy," he said causing her to almost laugh. "Tell them I hexed you," he growled as he leaned in.

"Oh tosh!"

Remus grinned and nodded. "I have to try to get back, Poppy. I don't belong here."

"No dear, you don't. But..."

"No buts. I can't wait for a repair on the time turner..."

Her brows furrowed. "Repairs?"

He nodded. Then his brow raised. "Please don't tell me that Dumbles lied to me?"

She shook her head. "I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying is that I didn't know that it needed repairs."

He nodded. "Oh. That's different. Still, my mission is clear. I have to get back."

She sighed and then nodded. "I will miss you though."

Remus blushed. "I'm just little little ol' me..."

"Don't you mean, little young you?"

He grinned and blushed, then he laughed and leaned over her desk to kiss her cheek. "Thank you for all your help."


On his way to Dumbledore's office, he heard a deep monotone mumble from close by. "Lupin. I was wondering when I'd see you..."

Remus closed his eyes and he turned around. "I don't want any trouble from you, Severus."

"It's Professor to you, boy."

Scratching at the back of his head, he nodded. "My apologies, Professor Snope."

"Why you little...detention Lupin...my office, immediately after dinner."

"Mmm. I'm afraid that I'll have to take a rain check on that, Professor Snope. I'm going to be a bit busy after supper. Besides, you don't want me vomiting all over the place, now do you? Besides, I'm no longer a student here."

Severus Snape glared at him as if he hated the very fact that he had skin and thought he was a waste of it.

"Severus look, I understand you don't like me because of the lads, but in all fairness..."

"That's not why I hate you."

"Then kindly do me the courtesy of telling me why then?"

"I owe you nothing," he spat as he turned on his heel and moved to leave the boy standing in the middle of the corridor, his robes billowing behind him like a very large bat; Remus thought it impressive for a moment.

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