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Remus exited the Headmaster's office to find Filch tacking something to the ancient stones that made up one of the walls of the main corridor...something he hadn't noticed before. "Good evening, Mister Filch. What's that you're doing there," he asked as he pointed up.

"Evnin' Looo-pin," he replied with the utmost disdain he could muster. "Tappin' up another decree."

"A decree? For what?"

"Says that the High Inquisitor has the right to dismiss and hire teachers."

"High Inquisitor?"

"Yep. Best be watchin' yer step there Looo-pin..." he grinned as he descended the overly tall ladder. "And you'd best be getting to where you're headed before you're caught out of the dorms after hours. You're not a prefect anymore you know!"

Remus turned and quickened his pace and headed up the stairs toward the Gryffindor Common Room that lay behind the Fat Lady's portrait. The subject of the portrait appeared to be reading and looked up at him. "Oh very favorite furry," she said warmly. "I was wondering if I'd be seeing you..."

"Good evening, Ma'am. I thought Sirius Black was your favorite furry?"

"Not after he slashed my canvas."

"Why would he do that?"

"I refused him entrance."

Remus' brow furrowed. "I see..."

"He was quite the vulgar beast about it."

Remus nodded. "Chocolate Truffle Sprouts, please," Remus said.

"No chit chat? There's soooo much to catch up on," she whispered as she looked around toward the other portraits.

"I'm sorry, some other time perhaps? I'm very tired."

"I understand Dear. Some other time then?"

Remus nodded and the portrait gave way to reveal a tunnel, where at the end was situated the Common Room. "Thank you," he said.

"Of course Dear. Get some rest, hmm?"

"I will, hopefully."

Remus moved toward the warm glow waiting at the other side sparking in him warm feelings of familiarity. His thoughts quickly turned toward his very first friend...Lily the sun seemed to reflect in her auburn hair, reminding him of the mane of a lion...but the Lioness in her seemed to purr quietly until it was time for her to roar...and roar, she did. Mostly, toward James Potter. A boy whose infectious grin took him in quickly and Peter, who was even more shy than he was.

And then, there was Sirius Orion Black. Sirius presented as an enigma and Remus certainly loved a good mystery. Sirius was one of those said mysteries that he knew that he just had to solve...even if it took his entire life doing it...the longer, the better. What he didn't know early on was that Sirius had felt exactly the same way.

As Remus made his way through the darkened corridor, he leaned on the stones for a moment to reflect: he realized that some higher power had gifted him the opportunity to right some ghastly wrongs. For him to do this, he's have to change a lot of his personality...the few seconds that he thought about it, he realized that he'd use the personalities of his best friends to help him...what would James do in this scenario, he thought...Why, he'd walk in like he owned the, too much too soon. Sirius would sit back and watch the goings on very closely and move if something enticed him, then and only then, would be pounce. Peter would run for the appropriate snacks to loosen everyone's tongues. How, was anyone's guess, but it always seemed to work? But Lily, she would engage whoever she was in front of, no matter who it was, asking questions and telling personal stories to get her point across.

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