The Perfect Girl

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Remus returned to the potions class room, essay in hand and placed it on Professor Snape's desk. The sullen potions master swiped it from the weathered oak of his desk before it had a chance to settle and quickly looked it over. "Did anyone assist you with this, Lupin?"

"Are you mad?"


"Oh, my apologies," he replied, a tint glint of mischief in his eyes. "Are you mad, Sir?"

Snape stared up at him with a raised brow from under his greasy hair. "Five points from Gryffindor Mister Lupin, for your cheek. Take your seat," Snape muttered...He almost smiled.

Remus grinned and turned on his heel.

The lesson flew by. He was thankful for the plethora of books laying in wait in the library at number 12 Grimmauld Place; they were a plethora of knowledge silently lying in wait just begging to be opened. He HAD researched how to prevent the deadly consumption and wrote a three foot parchment on his findings.

As the students were filing out of the class room, Snape pulled Remus to the side. "I'm impressed Lupin. If you're not careful, you just might end up being a medical doctor."

"Well Sir, it's not my aim to simply help and protect people with a flick of my wand..."

Snape harrumphed and motioned with a tilt of his head excusing him.

Remus didn't waste time leaving the classroom and found her without too much bother and felt that it was do or die trying.

He snuck up behind her and took her by her arm and pulled her toward the secret passage behind the tapestry. Opening the hidden door, he pulled her into the darkened corridor and felt his body pinned between the cold stone wall and her, aching his back.

He didn't care. The warmth of her body felt amazing.

His lips found hers in the dark as he held her close to him. He heard her bag, heavy with books, hit the floor then and then felt her arms circle around his neck.

"Remus, I was so worried," she said between kisses.


"I...I don't know," she confessed. "It's just, this...I couldn't concentrate." She groaned with exasperation.

"I'm sorry 'Mione," he said.

"Where are we anyway?"

He withdrew his wand and silently activated lumos. "Come on. I'll show you."

When they arrived at the little niche, he lit the candle stubs and plopped down on the many pillows and coughed as the dust all but exploded and then settled. He watched her look around with curiosity, her gaze finally resting on him. He patted on the pillows next to him, inviting her closer.

She sat down facing him and tucked her skirt beneath her legs.

"Are you cold," he asked with concern.

She nodded. "A bit."

He withdrew his uniform jacket and placed it around her shoulders.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He didn't know what he expected but felt the hippogriffs thundering in his belly and bit his bottom lip. "We party here sometimes."

"I think it's keen. But it's not a complete secret, is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"On the map? The Come and Go Room is secret."

Remus nodded and smiled. "That's right."

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