The Erkling

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Remus and Hermione were to begin their duties promptly at ten PM. They were diligent in coordinating their efforts with the other prefects to secure the Tower. With that task completed, they ventured down the stairs with another pair of prefects and parted on the main floor. One pair had the dungeon, ground floor, greenhouses, first and second floors, the other pair had the third through seventh floors as well as the library...several hours of walking around. Even though they were coordinating their rounds with two pair of prefects from other houses, Remus was concerned for Hermione's well being, having just been released from the hospital wing only the day prior. She promised to let him know when she needed to rest. Fortunately, the next day was Saturday, which meant no classes and they could sleep in and probably would. It also meant that there was a higher chance of finding students up and about. Hermione always brought snacks and drinks along in an over-the-shoulder bag, which much to her delight, Remus offered to carry...because, Ron never did.

The first leg of their rounds went well, as Hermione predicted; she knew the student body well and could tell him who the usual suspects were going to be. Right on time, they met up with the Fifth-year Prefects, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. They caught up with them in the second greenhouse as they were running out. And that was when Hermione saw Draco removing a dart from his shoulder.

"Draco! Are you alright," Hermione shrieked as she sped toward him.

Draco's gaze turned dark and he sneered at her. "Bloody earkling had the audacity to shoot one of it's darts at me! I'll see it put in it's place!" Pansy trembled behind the blond-haired boy and peeked over his shoulder toward Remus. Draco looked the taller boy over with disdain. "Where's Weasleby, Granger?"

"Locked in the tower, helping to keep the peace," she replied with authority.

Draco nodded as he eyed up Remus again and Remus did the same. "So, Lupine, is it..."

Remus shook his head as he smiled. "Nope. Just Lupin."

"That's what I said."

"Actually, it isn't. I have better than average hearing. I know full well what you said."

Draco looked to Pansy and rolled his eyes. "Anyway, is it better to be home-schooled or subjected to the nonsense of this supposed hallowed establishment?"

"Since you asked..."

Draco nodded. "I'm asking, yes."

"I prefer to keep to myself as I'm sure you do."

"You don't know anything about me, Lupine."

"I know more than you think. And it's LUPIN." Remus bared his teeth in a wolfish-toothy grin as he felt Hermione tug on the sleeve of his robe.

Draco sneered and backed up a few inches, then looked to Pansy. "See? What did I tell you? It's true!"

Pansy nodded. "Mmm."

"So it's true then. You're really Professor Lupin's younger self!"

Remus took a step forward and stared the smaller boy down. Draco took a step back keeping both he and Pansy a little further out of Remus' reach.

"Come on. We should be going," Hermione insisted as she pulled Remus back toward her.

"Watch out for that earkling Granger," Pansy warned, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'd hate for the Queen of Gryffindor's Pride to be eaten by that thing..."

"Thank you, Pansy. We will." She nodded knowingly. "I know where it lives."

Remus remained silent until they left. "They have a bleeding earkling on the premises! Are they mad!"

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