Chapter 1(Edited)

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I wake up to my alarm beeping telling me to get up and to get ready for school, I'm a senior in Highschool. I sit up with my red hair tangled together behind my head before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and sliding on my fox slippers. I get up and walk out of my room, down the hall, and into the bathroom. When I see my reflection in the mirror, it makes me cringe, with my hair in knots behind my head and my bright green eyes, above my freckles, looking crummy. I wipe my eyes and continue with my schedule.

When I am done I pull my disaster, my hair, into a bun for now. I walk back out of the bathroom and into my room. I rummage through my dresser before finding my striped flow out dress and my nude colored tights. I get dressed and walk over to my mirror that is perched on the wall. I unravel my bun and separate my hair into two sections before grabbing my brush off of my nightstand and brushing it out, almost getting the brush stuck in my thick hair. I push my unknotted hair behind my head and feel it flow down to my thighs. I pull it into a side fishtail braid before sliding on my black wedges and slapping on some mascara, showing off my long eyelashes. I grab my book-bag and phone before leaving my room and make sure my door is shut, so Fri doesn't get in.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to find my mom making coffee and Fri lying under the table. When Fri sees me he pads to me with his tongue sticking out and flopping around his face. Fri is a black german shepherd with bright blue eyes, my father gave him to me before he was sent to the war. He jumps up on me with his front paws on my shoulders, him being my height when on his back legs and I am 5'6. "Morning mom," I say while petting Fri. "Morning Layla, How did you sleep?" she asks with her brown eyes shining from the morning light. "Like the dead," I reply pushing Fri off of me. I hear a honk outside knowing it is my best-friend Beatrice. "Bye, mom gotta go," I say kissing my mom's cheek. "Love ya," Mom says with her red hair swinging when she turns to look at me. "Love you too," I say before walking out the door and wipe the fur off of me before getting into the car.

"Morning, Bea," I say looking over at my best friend. "Morning Lay," Bea says with her blonde curls bouncing when she turns her head, her hazel eyes big and defined. I click my seatbelt on and turn up the radio. She drives off heading towards our only girl school. It doesn't really help with being at an all-girls school if there is an all-boys school only three blocks away. I have known Bea since freshman year and we have been close ever since, yes we have had some bumps in the road, but who hasn't?

When we get to the school she parks as far she can from the school. She hates people so she parks super far away every day, at least it is good exercise. We both unclick our seatbelts and get out of her car. When I get a full look at her I see that she is wearing a blue shirt with a rose in the right corner of it she paired it with black leggings and her black Timberlands. We start to walk up to the school when we see the so-called "popular" girl. She was my friend in elementary school but once we got to high school she started to hang out with all the seniors and acting fake towards me. Her name is Petra, her family is rich and likes to show off to many people.

We walk into the building and to our lockers, them being right next to each other. "Did you do the English homework?" Bea asks. "Of course, you know that is my favorite subject," I say looking up at her. She just smiles and we continue on to our first hour, Science. We walk into Mrs. Young's room and sit in our assigned seats. Only Polly and Jack were already here and in their seats reading the bellwork on the board. We grab out our notebooks and start the bellwork our self after plugging in our headphones.

Everyone starts to crowd in as the bell rings and scurries to their seats. I turn off my music and stuff my headphones into my pocket along with my phone. Mrs. Young starts to take attendance as the rest of the students sit down. As the time passes my day flies by in an instant, it feeling like it took only an hour to get over. I put my stuff in my locker and meet Bea at the car. We get in and she drops me off at the house before driving off.

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