Chapter 10 (Edited)

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I wake up in Enzo's comfortable bed alone but I could only see because of the lamp, meaning it's night time and I need to get home. I get out of the bed slipping on my shoes and combing my hair with my fingers. I grab my phone from the dresser so I can leave as fast as I can, I'll just call him in the morning to ask him to bring my things to school. I tip-e-toe to the door and silently open the door not knowing where everyone is, I'm sure his family is home by now. Shit, my dad's going to kill me with his lectures and he's going to up my training. I look down the hall and find nobody near so I find my way to the stairs and walk slowly trying not to make them creak. The living room was surprisingly empty but there seemed to be the fresh scent of lavender, maybe his mother's perfume.

I reach the door and unlock it silently before hearing some little footsteps coming up behind me. I turned around to see a little toddler with golden curls and big blue eyes, I could see a few of her teeth had started to appear. "Who is you?" she asks looking up at me with a baby doll in her hand. "Gems?" Enzo says coming into the living room from the kitchen. "I've gotta get home, my dad must be worried sick, you understand why," I said looking up at him. He nods and I wave bye to Estrella before opening the door and leaving.

I get down to the sidewalk before hearing Enzo stroll out of the door before locking it. He meets me at the sidewalk and asks, "Can I take you home?" I look over at him with a small smile before replying, "Sorry, but walking helps me clear my mind." "Then allow me to walk with you," he says holding out his hand. I wrap my arm around his and we walk down the pathway to my home. "So, what's your dad like?" he asks as we cross the street. "Protective, competitive, and kind for the most part," I reply glancing up at him. "So you're saying he's an older version of you?" he says with a chuckle. "No," I say feeling blush rise to my cheeks. I get out my phone to see that it's already past eight o'clock so I start to pick up the pace.

"Why are you in such a rush?" he asks looking down at me. "My dad," I say looking back at him. "But that's not all, is it?" he asks looking down at me. "Maybe it's because I haven't eaten dinner," I reply before crossing the next street. "Of course," he says with a chuckle. We cross the last street before taking a left turn down the street towards my house. I see my jeep in the yard and automatically know that my dad had told Patrick I hadn't come home yet. I stop and turn in front of Enzo, "I think you should go," I say looking up at him. "Why? I wanted to meet your father," he says with a small smile.

"Right now's not the best time for that, I'm pretty sure he called the goons," I reply giving him a hug. "Goons?" he asks looking down at me. "Yes, the goons," I say pulling away, "Now go before they see us." He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him, "Let them see us," he says before kissing me passionately. I kiss him back before pulling back and replying, "Not right now, please just go." He nods and walks away but I could see in his eyes that I had hurt him.

I shake my head a little before heading towards the house, I unlock the door with my key before getting caught sneaking in. "Caught red-handed," my dad said looking over at me from the living room couch. Fri lied in his bed sound asleep as I slipped in and shut the door. "The school called and said you left early and your friend Gina told me that your car was still up at the school and she hadn't seen you," he says furrowing his brows, "So, where in the hell were you all day?" "Okay, well you're probably going to be mad but I told my two best friends about everything, and maybe one of those best friends is actually my boyfriend. I'm too hungry and tired to lie or argue tonight," I explain looking at him. "So, did you have sex with this boyfriend of yours?" he asks angrily. "No, dad, we didn't have sex," I reply wiping my hair away from my face.

"Why the hell would you tell them all of this? Do you want us to get killed Layla?" he asks in his dad tone. "They knew something was up, I've been having episodes, dad, that night wasn't the only time that happened," I say before giving up and heading to the kitchen for something to eat. Thankfully, I didn't find Patrick and his family in the kitchen but I did find what seemed like Patrick's cooked lasagna for dinner. I grab a plate and sit down at the table to eat it, I think my dad decided to leave it at that since I heard him shut the television off and head up to his room. I grab a glass of sweet tea to wash down the lasagna.

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